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Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 17:20
by Gill the Piano
Everyone is bad at one area of the exam - mine is/was scales. Just do your best - as you obviously are - and you can take your exam with a clear conscience. It's only the little s*ds who do no practice then whine about failing for whom I feel no sympathy whatsoever! I played the Englische Tanz today - not easy, is it? Doesn't quite go where one expects it to! What's the final list of pieces, are you 100% decided yet?
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 19:59
by Colin Nicholson
Hi Dave
I've got a pupil doing grade 3 in the summer, and yeh, must admit, the SR is tricky - I think up to 4 sharps & 3 flats?
He sailed through grade 2, and his reading is generally good, but as the key sigs are more - he sometimes misses that 'all important D sharp' in E major!
Alot of sight reading requires good preparation skills, and I recommend to just try hands together straight away. Also look out for scale passages & walking bass lines.
Generally though - many marks are lost because they take the test too fast! .... even if its just a fraction under the recommended tempo - for a fair reader, thats still too quick.
If you struggle, then I recommend a near - half speed approach, counting :
1 (elephant) 2 (elephant) 3 & 4 - say elephant between each beat. That way, your reading will be more secure, and allow you read ahead better. Its a bit like driving a formula 1 racing track...... if you just stick to 40mph, you will not win the race, but then again, you wont kill yourself at the end! ...... as long as your approach is methodical & steady...... you may even get enough marks to pass (14 with AB) .
Also, when you prep - try out the scale/ tonic triad before hand - check the final notes or chord to determine major or minor - so you will know the 'expected' sound in your head. If one hand is not doing much (eg a sustained minim) - always get it ready for the next bar...... and try not to look down at the keys too much!! - keep your eyes on the music at all times - steadily & slowly.
Speed comes with practise & experience.
Hope that helps....
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 17 Mar 2012, 13:11
by Nutroast
Good grief, much of what you just said was like a foreign language to me. It saddens me that I'll never make it to the dizzy heights of grade anything

but at least I enjoy playing what I can.
I'm very impressed that you're going for grade 3 Dave, you sound well prepared already.
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 17 Mar 2012, 16:50
by OneHandOnly
Good luck with the exam Dave, but please don't talk about sight reading
I got talked into going for grade 2 in less than 3 weeks time and only started sight reading 1 month ago, can you still pass an exam without being able to read jack s**t

. Well, this could be my first and last exam as i can't play a single note infront of anyone, oh the shame

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 17 Mar 2012, 18:16
by OneHandOnly
More than 9 points would be great

Going forward i'll practise it everyday,it has to get easier eventually

Not to bothered about performing in public though, but i've promised myself an expensive grand if and when i get to grade 8 so could do with passing this one.

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 17 Mar 2012, 18:34
by Colin Nicholson
OneHandOnly wrote: can you still pass an exam without being able to read jack s**t

. Well, this could be my first and last exam as i can't play a single note infront of anyone, oh the shame

Hi OneHandOnly......
To answer your question above.... YES - you can still pass the exam even if you fail your sight reading (but hopefully you wont!).... it just means though that you have to get higher marks in the other subjects to make up for it. 100 is the pass mark (ABRSM) - whichever way you do it - equivalent to 66%.
Try and get good marks in your scales (basically, do what it says on the tin!) - and if you can aim for around between 22 - 26 or higher for your pieces, that should cover any mistakes in your sight reading and/or aural tests.
Nerves also play an important part on the day, so maybe try to play the piano in front of a few people.... controlling nerves is almost a separate subject in itself!! If you can play to your family say, playing then to an examiner will be easier.
Good luck......
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 20:21
by OneHandOnly
Having to do two?????

I've just put in 2 hours of bl**dy sight reading, now i see notes when i close my eyes.I guess it's a necessary evil that both of us will have to get used to,at least my level's easier than yours

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 21:08
by OneHandOnly
hahahaha, not every day, just the weekends, half an hour in the week as i don't have any more time.I've seriously neglected sight reading , in fact i'd never done any until a month ago and i've been playing 17 months.It's now an official part of my practice sessions.By the way, i have the purple grade 3 book

i'll give it a whirl and let you know how i get on tomorrow.
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 18:44
by Gill the Piano
STOP BEING SO ****** NEGATIVE!! Just get on with it - who knows, you might have fun!

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 19:01
by Gill the Piano
No. Don't call them 'despair dirges' etc., etc.. Just sigh treading...

You condition yourself every time you say something negative. Sounds stupid, but say 'O good, sigh treading!!!' before you do each one; the mind is easily tricked!
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 19:18
by Feg
dave brum wrote:Okay Gill. Wednesday. Paul Harris first melodic exercise in stage 2, okay. Despair dirges, one correct, one rhythms okay but some wrong notes. Of course I didn't enjoy them (never do) but still did 'em nonetheless.
My old psychotherapist told me to look for joy in bad situations.
There! Is that positive enough??
Not quite positive enough, Dave, but you are getting there.
I'm going to prefix this with .....I'm NOT a piano teacher, but I do
enjoy sight-reading
Sight-reading is a combination of many skills including and not limited to....... getting the tempo correct, getting the rhythms correct and getting the notes correct and you cannot expect to get all three correct first time especially as a beginner. If you can get from the start to end of one piece of music at the correct tempo with the correct rhythms, then as far as I'm concerned you are more than half way there. The odd wrong note doesn't really matter so long as you don't stop to correct your error and just keep going.
The fact that you tried two pieces, and only fluffed some notes during the second piece should be regarded as an achievement.
Try to play SR pieces which you know are too easy for your current grade - it'll do wonders for your confidence and once your confidence levels improve, so will your SR skills.
Here Endeth The Lesson
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 19:54
by Gill the Piano
Don't think at all - just do a couple, then forget it till tomorrow! I think you think too much!

Fiona's right, do a bit of easy sightreading first, then build up gently. Be KIND to yourself, chicken!
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 18:42
by Gill the Piano
Grit yer teef, smile, and say 'O good, sightreading!' in a sunny voice. Go on, you can do it!!
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 22:19
by Gill the Piano
Try it. It won't hurt you. Humour me...
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 18:42
by Gill the Piano
dave brum wrote:The temptation is very strong to put in place some sort of contrived evasion mechanism.
I always put my herbs and spices in alphabetical order...

Just humour me and say it every time you sit down to do some s****r*****g. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease....
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 21:30
by OneHandOnly
Hi Dave

Well, what can i say? Your posts have given my a right laugh

.Seriously, i think you're taking it too seriously and nobody enjoys making mistakes,i fregularly feel like taking a hammer to my piano

but i resist. As for sight reading, you'll get it when you get it,then you won't hate it as much,until then you'll hate it like i do

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 21:40
by OneHandOnly
Great, you can take them with you in the afterwhile and spend an eternity doing 2 a day
OR you could post less and do half an hour a day,try it for a month, who knows, with some faster improvement will come the joy of sight reading

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 18:09
by Colin Nicholson
Dave..? are you doing any theory of music aswell? ,,,, such as the Grade 3 ABRSM (yellow book) - to match the sight reading level. Just wondered.
Not sure if you've got this book (yet another!) .... the Joan Last sight reading books. They work on each key at a time progressively.
If you can spot triad forms, parts of scales, chord patterns etc 'within' a melody & accomp. - then the theory side helps to establish a good overall picture of the music.
May help hopefully....
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 19:29
by Gill the Piano
dave brum wrote:How is YOUR sight reading Gill?
Good. But I've been playing since I was 4, so I'm 40-odd years up on you. However, if you ask me about my scales, I will be fairly abusive...

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 25 Mar 2012, 08:53
by Colin Nicholson
AH HA! Thats one of the many reasons for insecure/ hesitant performances of sight reading - sorry to say, but its true.
What you are doing is great, but you need some 'theory' coaching aswell - you'll start to read the music differently.
Imagine.... a five year old reading a solicitor's letter (I'm like that!) .... ??
The kid can just pick out the words they understand like 'and' 'it' 'Dear' etc etc.... but will just overlook words like 'legislation' ...... they will see & understand each word on its own - but wont be able to understand the 'content' of the letter, how it is worded, who it is worded to etc etc.... same with reading music.
How do you get on with the Paul Harris books? do you do those questions & answers pages? I could take you through one if you want.
That sight book is called:
'Sight reading for today' by Joan Last. Publishers: Bosworth
Part of many things in Grade 3 are not actually written into the syllabus, but become like a normal 'idiom' as part of your day-to-day playing. This book covers extras like:
1. Rhythmic tests with staccato & slurs
2. The key of B flat major
3. Syncopation
4. More rhythmic tests
5. Chromatic passages
6. The key of E major
7. New rhythmic feature - dotted quaver + semiquaver
8. The key of E flat major and C minor
9. Semiquavers in 3/8 time
10. Single tied notes in chords
Your teacher should also be able to outline the basic primary & secondary chords in an extract, for eg Primary chords are I IV and V (one, four and five) - or the chord of the tonic, subdominant and dominant. Being able to spot these within a melody, or bass line helps to give you an overall picture of the music (less emphasis on the actual reading of the notes) - and taking on board the simple cadences for each tune. This way, we also learn various 'stock' progressions by some keyboard skills, short improvisation of cadences.... (without music) ...... however, you also need some theory backing along the way.
Alot of this I cover during the 'intermediate' period between exams - NEVER use them as teaching material just prior to an exam.... so you may need some extra training in that separately, then you'll be amazed how you read music more fluently.
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 00:57
by Colin Nicholson
Is that a 100 quid straight bet...... or the equivalent of tuition fees?
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 16:55
by Gill the Piano
Don't forget your public library; there's no need to buy many books as more than you realise are available to order from the library.
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 07:32
by OneHandOnly
Well, my sight reading has come on in leaps and bounds lately

,that is, until my exam yesterday

Not so much reading as playing random notes and running out of fingers
Failed everything due to an overwhelming fear of playing to an audience,even of 1 person.NO MORE EXAMS EVER!!!!!

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 17:27
by OneHandOnly
Sorry to disappoint you Dave, i sight read ok, i just don't do exams
You are still the king and long may you wear the crown

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 17:37
by OneHandOnly
Excellent news Dave,you'll soon be enjoying it. I intend to follow the syllabus all the way to grade 8 but not do the exams

. Grade 3 sight reading starts tomorrow, hurray!!!!

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 17:57
by Gill the Piano
You really are making yourself fixated on sr, Dave. Just calm down and ignore it; concentrate on the bits you do so well.
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 19:14
by OneHandOnly
Dave, stop moaning, pay the money and go for it.You won't be able to do any worse than me and failure is always better if you can share it with another no-hoper
Joking aside, i'm sure you'll pass with or without reading well, you've got the rest of your life to learn.
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 20:01
by Gill the Piano
No, your pieces are really well played on the link you sent me. Dunno about your scales as I have never heard them.
From 'Remote Viewing' by Moorhouse. "...if you begin a mathematics class at any grade level with the conviction 'I cannot do math [sic]' or 'I'm not any good with numbers', then that is exactly what you will reap. Your intention is a statement of your own identity and this intention creates a manifest behavior [sic] that in turn reinforces the identity all over again. You can either unleash your personal ability, or you can, by your own intention, limit your ability to do anything of value in this life. It is all a matter of choice on your part. You may choose possibility or you may choose limits."
So go for it !

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 20:16
by Gill the Piano
Think positive, did you READ what I typed????

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 14:24
by Colin Nicholson
Hi Dave,
Anyone over 18 yrs can enter themselves in for an AB exam. You need to register first (its free) - and after you send off your first entry form, when they return the details to you (exam date & time, venue address etc) - they will give you an applicant number - usually about 6 or 7 numbers in length. You then use this for future applications (so you dont have to repeat your address & contact details each time).
The first time you fill the form in, where it says 'Applicant number' - just leave that blank, but fill in all the rest of part 1.
The code for piano is 01 code for theory is 99
Everything is explained on the form & separate sheet of paper.
You also get a leaflet 'Exam help & guidance', and a list of all the Exam centres, giving the counties, and relevant town or city - note, some towns only do the practical exams, others do theory, some both. Next to each town/city is a code (eg Bradford = B270).... you then quote the centre name & code (section 2a on the form).... the rest is fairly straight forward. You can also apply online >> (look for online entry & services)
The closing date for entries (postal) is 27th April.
Just send them an email and request for an application form, or pop into a music shop. Also good idea to get their piano syllabus and terms & conditions leaflet.
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 16:25
by Colin Nicholson
dont use FB much, just for some advertising etc. and some contacts in Oz. Cant find your request - try again if you want.
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 17:58
by Colin Nicholson
Thanks for your friend request, but at the moment I am putting my FB a/c on 'hold' - due to various reasons I cant discuss. Nothing personal of course. On this forum, I prefer to keep FB completely separate to this - and should have nothing to do with any replies I make on the forum.... I hope you see my point. Various information I prefer not to share on FB as I do on here - and this has no detriment to anyone.
I hope you managed to find the info about exams Ok on Facebook.
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 18:06
by Gill the Piano
dave brum wrote: How do you think positively .
READ WHAT i TYPED. And try not to type/think negative thoughts. Or if you think them, don't reinforce it by typing it out.
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 21 Apr 2012, 18:10
by OneHandOnly
I'll give you a good reason Dave, just got my results....... passed everything

i don't know how i managed it as i thought i'd messed it up badly. So there you have it, from nothing to grade 2 sight reading in 2 months.Believe me,if i can do it , anybody can
Just taking a break from the purple grade 3 book

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 21 Apr 2012, 18:37
by Gill the Piano
Well done, OHO! Grade 4 book on the way...?

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 11:16
by OneHandOnly
Well i only managed a very disappointing 119

but given my mordid fear of playing in front of an audience,albeit an audience of 1, coupled with hands that wouldn't stop shaking and a mind that went blank on entering the room, it was better than i had expected.I'll save the distinction for grade 8
Everything goes perfect at home,less perfect with my teacher and a disaster in the exam.Does this happen to anybody else or am i just special?
Good luck Dave
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 17:23
by Gill the Piano
No, that's completely normal. I remember being asked for C major at Grade 8 - Doddle, I thought, except for a while I thought there were no C's on the piano...amazing what panic does!
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 24 Apr 2012, 14:20
by Nutroast
You go for it, Brumster. What a great idea to do a practice run and I'm glad you found it easier the 2nd time around. That's all you need.... I KNOW you can do this, you just need to agree with me and it will be rightly yours!
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 24 Apr 2012, 18:43
by OneHandOnly
I'd love to be practicing right now,unfortunately i also love warm weather so i'm sunning myself on the beach in the lovely 26degree spanish sun

. Hope not to have to practice with the fingerless gloves when i return on saturday.
Glad to hear you're on the mend Dave but don't sight read better than me,it was great having someone worse lol

Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 30 May 2013, 14:45
by classic-keyboard
I'm glad I came across this thread. In a few weeks time I'll have a decent piano again and I'll be re-learning after many years. Sight reading was always my problem. I passed grades 1-3 (as a child 40+ years ago) easily; scraped through 4 by the skin of my teeth getting bascially 0 on sight reading and my teacher at the time told me not to bother going any further unless I learned to read. Instead, I gave up lessons altogether and went on to play keyboards in a jazz rock band...
40 years later I still have a pathological fear of sight reading. I simply can't do it. Being able to improvise actually makes it worse; I can't stop myself making it up as I go along!
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 30 May 2013, 17:22
by Gill the Piano
Just do a little every day - even just one bar. And don't forget that it's only a weeny bit of the exam, so gussy up the pieces, scales and aural and you'll be fine!
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 30 May 2013, 18:22
by classic-keyboard
How does the marking actually break down? Is it basically the same throughout the grades?
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 30 May 2013, 20:28
by Feg
classic-keyboard wrote:I'm glad I came across this thread. In a few weeks time I'll have a decent piano again and I'll be re-learning after many years. Sight reading was always my problem. I passed grades 1-3 (as a child 40+ years ago) easily; scraped through 4 by the skin of my teeth getting bascially 0 on sight reading and my teacher at the time told me not to bother going any further unless I learned to read. Instead, I gave up lessons altogether and went on to play keyboards in a jazz rock band...
40 years later I still have a pathological fear of sight reading. I simply can't do it. Being able to improvise actually makes it worse; I can't stop myself making it up as I go along!
Have a look at the Trinity College syllabus as an alternative to ABRSM. Sight reading is an option not compulsory and you could choose improvisation instead!
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 31 May 2013, 18:13
by Gill the Piano
God, improvisation - now that would terrify me!
Re: Grade 3 in the summer sitting for old turniphead 'ere
Posted: 31 May 2013, 21:21
by gizzy
Gill the Piano wrote:God, improvisation - now that would terrify me!
You can only avoid sight-reading until grade 5 and after that - wallop! I have one working slowly towards grade 6 TG and I wonder if she'll ever take it. She can sight-read after a fashion, as I didn't let her get away with not reading while she was not being examined in it, but g6 level is still a long way above her.
I don't know about other boards, but with ABRSM you can't get zero for sight-reading as long as you actually do it, however rubbish. There's this very comprehensive guide called These Music Exams which gives the criteria for all the marks in each section, and for sight-reading (pass mark 14) there is a description of a typical performance which gets I think 10-13, and then another which gets 7-9, which describes little recognition of the notes, total disregard of key, no pulse, etc - and then there's zero for "no work offered". Similarly with the scales, you get 7 for doing it at all, 6 for aural, completely incorrrect all through, and 10 out of 30 for attempting to play a piece. So that's 50 out of 150 for actually doing anything at all in every section.
Gizzy in Cambridge