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Teaching children...

Posted: 15 Dec 2009, 11:34
by Nemo
So, I've just been asked to teach two young boys to play piano. One boy is 6 and another is 7, and their mother also wants to learn.

Basically, I've never taught anyone before, although I can play to a grade 8 standard, and I was wondering where to start really.
Any help would be highly appreciated!!

Re: Teaching children...

Posted: 04 Feb 2010, 07:47
by EarlMarsden
I think this music teaching tip can help you.

Re: Teaching children...

Posted: 07 Feb 2010, 18:59
by joseph
Try John Thompson's Teaching Little Fingers To Play.

Lovely little book , fun pictures. Get them a copy each. It's about a fiver, bill the parent.

Its a difficult balance teaching, but focus on the following:

1. Rhythm. Make sure that they play in time. It's THE single most important thing for any musician.

2. Make sure they don't thump the piano. It always amazes me how much NOISE these little ones make. They just hammer the keys, Try to get them to listen to the sound they make and respond to it.

3. Right notes, but you knew that ;-)

It isn't necessary to get a tune absolutely perfect before allowing the pupil to move on to the next one. Try to strike a balance between aiming high and keeping them motivated. So while you might not want to sit on the same song for six lessons, try to get them to realize the importance of quality work.

I'm sure you'll do fine and you'll learn a bit about your own playing in the process. Remember the finger moves from the knuckle which is where it meets the hand, stay relaxed and all will be well. You'll be nervous but don't let them see that!! Good luck and keep us posted!