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Calling Bill Buggins!

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 19:54
by ebonyivory

I have logged in to find out who has tried to contact me on fb.

I won't reply to an unknown on fb as there are so many viruses.

Please reply on here!


(Just for the record, I feel sure it's going to be Dave Brum!)

Re: Calling Bill Buggins!

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 19:58
by ebonyivory
Oh!!! Ha ha ha... sorry

Was it really a secret?

Anyway were you going to tell me about the exam date?

Re: Calling Bill Buggins!

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 20:07
by ebonyivory
Excellent! I feel you are going to do extremely well!

I have had another run of being unwell with this and that, currently getting over a flu, so my lessons and practice have gone out the window. I am really struggling to find that whole life/work balance thing.

Never mind me moaning.

I look forward to hearing how you feel it has gone and the marks you would give yourself, then what you really get!

I feel you are a definite merit, with a good chance of distinction.

Keep up the good work!