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Grade 5 practice - which Keyboard Anthology book?

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 16:45
by Jayne
Hello folks,

I am looking for books for practice to refresh my Grade 5 - passed the exam as a teenager and want to progress to Grade 6 and maybe beyond now (a couple of decades later!). I am a bit confused looking at the Keyboard Anthology series - at Grade 5 there seems to be a number of series as well as a number of books in each series - is the sequence of books in a logical or progressive order (i.e. start with Series 1 Book 1) or can I just dive in anywhere?

Also as I have been away from the piano for a while have the Keyboard Anthology books replaced the good old 'Progressive Pieces' books? I can only find a few old copies on ebay.

Finally has anybody used 'The Best of Grade 5 Piano' by Anthony Williams? Its a compilation of exam pieces from all the exam boards - looks good - can anybody recommend?

Thanks in advance ... :D

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 17:39
by Gill the Piano
No, just dive in anywhere; it's just that after series 1 they found more pieces so did another book... or two!
Progressive Pieces were excellent; you could try to see if they have any - but they won't be cheap. Haunt your local Oxfam/charity shop; Oxfam are now opening specialist bookshops which often have music sections.
Not heard of the Williams book - but then I don't teach. I'm sure one of the teachers will be able to help.