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Eisteddfods/Piano Competitions

Posted: 06 Jul 2007, 19:06
by ymapazagain
Growing up in Australia, every small town with a population of more than a few thousand had the annual eisteddfod where any child who could play a note, dance or speak would be compete. Now I automatically assumed that this would be the same here in England, but the only eisteddfod I can find is THE eisteddfod. The big welsh one that was on telly a few weeks ago.

I would love for my students to have the same opportunity that I had growing up; to perform their pieces in a few different competitions infront of an audience with out TOO much pressure and hopefully win themselves a medal. For me the eisteddfod was so much fun, put a little healthy competitiveness in me and gave me a lot of confidence.

Are their competitions like this in London? I'd love to know about them!

Thanks, Amy :o)

Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 09:24
by Geminoz
I have lived in Australia for years, but I grew up in England (Greater London area) and I played in an Eisteddfod in the early 50's when I was 8.
It was held in Staines.
A very nerve wracking experience. I still shudder when I think of it.
I had practiced and practiced knew my piece (Purcell's hornpipe in E minor) so well that I made the mistake of taking my eyes from the music. Of course when I looked back to the music, I had lost my place. :(
A few bars later I was back in stride, but it did cost me some marks and a lot of embarrasment. :oops:

Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 16:21
by Gill the Piano
They aren't called Eisteddfods outside Wales in Britain - the Welsh would kick up if their words got pinched! We call them Music Festivals...far more straightforward...
I only know of the ones round here (Marlow Music Festival, Maidenhead MF, Slough MF, South Bucks MF (based in Beaconsfield); a new one coming soon just for piano in Aylesbury, Chalfonts MF) but there is an umbrella organisation for MFs - the Federation of MFs? Bit of Googling should run it to ground.
Personally I never had to play in one, thank God. I accompany for them, and never cease to be amazed at how nerveless small children appear to be. Their parents, on the other hand, are usually complete messes!

Posted: 07 Jul 2007, 16:24
by Gill the Piano
The British Federation of Festivals for Music. Wasn't far off, was I?!