Any Erard Experts Out There?

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Any Erard Experts Out There?

Post by Byrolinda »

After years of searching I have recently acquired a fantastic Erard Concert Grand. I love the variety and clarity of its tone colours and am very anxious that any resoration work should be entirely in keeping with its distinctive nature. There are specialist restorers in Holland and Germany, but I am not aware of any in the Uk. There must be specific information about regulation of the roller action (subtly different from the more modern Steinway type) but where? Can anyone help? I would rather leave it in its current condition than ruin it with unsuitable new strings and inappropriate regulation. I feel that Erards are under- appreciated. Any other fans out there?
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Post by PianoGuy »

I'm a fan.

Erard's progressive design left Broadwood in the shade barring a few notables. Most are very tired now, but sympathetic restoration can bring back much of the character. Just don't expect it to perform like a modern grand. Choose your restorer carefully, and beware of the charlatans who bandy around words like 'conservation' too much. IME they are wont to do bu**er all and charge a fat fee for the privilege. Sometimes you get a nice photographic record of their meticulous vacuum-cleaning.

Is yours reasonably conventional or an underdamper?
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Post by Byrolinda »

Hi fellow fan ... It's good to know I'm not alone! Your comments reflect my own concerns. I can do the hoovering for myself. Thanks for your direction to the French website. I intend to send them details and photos. Mine is a magnificent model, not just the standard design. It's underdamped like most Erards. Have you heard the recording of Debussy's Melodies by Sandrine Piau and Jos van Immerseel playing an Erard 1/2 grand? Just wonderful! You can hear samples on
Barrie Heaton
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Post by Barrie Heaton »

The biggest problem is the dampers they have velum flanges and if you intend to work it, they will need doing but they are very time consuming. Its more a labour of love with them.

The next one is the fork shanks - the last one I did, I send them to Able to be recovered. Then spent a week stemming the shanks straight again, but it was worth it

As to regulating you to tend to not to follow the factory specs to close on very old pianos, depending on how much you have changed you go more for the feel of the action. Some specs you do stay with like depth of touch Checking can be a nightmare if the wood is brittle on the bottom sections. What I have done on some action is put a few drops of CA glue round the bird’s eye and on the Checking prolong this strengthens the wood.

Barrie Heaton
Web Master UK Piano Page
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Post by Byrolinda »

Yes, I forsee its being a labour of love ... and I do love this piano! I understand that Desfourges of Paris have original Erard machines for recovering hammers though I'm hoping that the old felt will serve for a while ... they have shaped up nicely. I think I probably need to make a trip to Amsterdam to visit Maison Erard at some stage. Do you know which stringing gauge Erard London were using around 1880? I gather Roslau is pretty unlikely.. could be Fougeres or a number of others.
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Post by Barrie Heaton »

The best person to ask about strings would be Lucy Coad

Barrie Heaton
Web Master UK Piano Page
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