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Jazz Piano - ABRSM or LCM?

Posted: 31 Aug 2006, 16:48
by stevie_dav
Does anyone have views on which board/syllabus is the best for starting out in jazz piano? My piano teacher has suggested LCM but the ABRSM supporting materials are more professional and the ABRSM syllabus generally looks better structured. Interested in the experiences of anyone whose studied for either.

jazz piano

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 22:58
by KateP
Having never taken classical grades but following some lessons at primary I've continued to play all my life, over 40yrs, so largely self taught, I got into jazz about 6yrs ago playing the sax.
Last year I decided to move to jazz piano.
Am familiar with the ABRSM syllabus and sat the grade 3. Love the syllabus and resources. Very well structured. However.....the jazz teacher I had at the time was not familiar with the syllabus and I feel did not use the course as was intended and consequently I did not get as much from the lessons as I could have done.

Now have excellent teacher, classically trained but a jazz pro. For me there can be no compromise; learn jazz from jazzers. If you contact your local jazz promotors they will let you know of jazz workshops in the area which are invaluable support for improvisation and learning the art of comping and playing as part of the rhythm section.

univ of Glamorgan and Burnley both run outstanding summer schools with top jazz pianists/educators. :D

Posted: 09 Sep 2006, 21:56
by Paul Mellors
I am teaching the LCM JazzPiano syllabus and find it very well constucted. I'm not over keen on a few of the pieces in the handbook but there are some excellent choices available on the lists.
I much prefer LCM examiners way of conducting examination, so much so I am now an LCM rep:-) So definitely biased, but I did teach ABRSM before discovering the content of LCM exams.
I agree AB are fantastic at getting publications 'out there' and I also agree their publcations can 'look better' but really look at the content. The store availability of LCM pubs should be increasing very soon I am led to believe.
