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Boogie Woogie

Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 20:15
by JohnnyBGoode
Hi, I'm a new kid on the block. I've been messing around with pianos for many a year but never got round to learning to read music. I love boogie woogie and dabble quite a bit but need help. Does anyone out there know of anyone who lives within the Glos/Worcs/Oxfordshire area who may be willing to take their lives in their own hands and try to teach a frustrated old rock n' roller the path to boogie woogie righteousness !

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 16:52
by Gill the Piano
Have you got a local music shop where musos actually hang out to try out guitars, etc? The one we had in High Wycombe was like a magnet for 'em, and they're the ones you need to ask - ie, the people who actually DO boogie woogie. Or go to a jazz gig locally and ask the piano player if s/he can recommend someone. They usually know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone...!

Posted: 21 Jul 2006, 17:54
by Wihtbald
maybe... :)


Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 07:41
by Stride

I should buy some DVDs or Videos of boogie piano technique. You can or could get sheet music for it.

The left hand is worth practicing for hours until you get the beat and rhythm correct and then add the melody with the right. I find it a very difficult jazz style and it obviously means a lot of concentrated practice starting with a simple piece.

The left hand repeated chords are easier than the walking beat or the traditional boogie pattern.