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2 treble cleffs
Posted: 09 Mar 2006, 15:10
by Jabarr
There are 2 treble cleffs in a beginners Czerny exercise book,Do I play both staffs with the right hand separately? Thank you.
Posted: 09 Mar 2006, 20:16
by fumbler
If the two staves are joined together with vertical barlines, then play the upper stave with your right hand and the lower with your left. Play the notes in the lower stave as indicated by the treble clef, i.e. on the trebly bit of the piano. It's a fairly common practice and there should be some separation of the notes and fingers! In a beginners' book I would not expect the hands to cross.
If the staves are not joined by barlines then there is only one stave to follow (at a time) and you should play the staves one after the other.