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scales over two octaves

Posted: 16 Apr 2005, 12:57
by frannie
I have just started piano again after thirty years of not touching a note. I have completely forgotten how to read music, and even the names of the notes, but, miraculously, I have somehow not forgotten how to play with both hands. It must be like riding a bike! However, after my first lesson, I have been set the task of learning to play C major scale with both hands up and down the keyboard over two octaves. How do I change over at the end of the first octave? I cannot get the fingering right and would be really grateful from all you experienced players as to how to manage the change over smoothly.
Many thanks for any help! Frannie

Posted: 16 Apr 2005, 18:27
by Gill the Piano
Right Hand, major scale of C, up then down:

123 1234 123 1234 5 4321 321 4321 321

Left Hand:

54321 321 4321 32 1 23 1234 123 12345

Practise passing the thumb under unobtrusively; it's easy to hear a "thump" when the thumb strikes, otherwise. Pick a note and stick your third finger on it, then play the note below with the thumb, then the note itself with the 3rd, then the note above with the thumb. Make them all sound the same, and smooth. Then do the same with the 4th finger.Repeat until insanity beckons...
Boring, but worth doing! :roll: :lol:

C scale

Posted: 17 Apr 2005, 08:43
by Geminoz
Gill is right (is there nothing she doesn't know? :lol: )....Insanity for you and anyone within earshot Frannie. :wink:
Good mentioned you had a lesson...and your teacher didn't show you the fingering??? :shock:

Posted: 17 Apr 2005, 16:22
by Gill the Piano
I'm amazed I DO remember the scale fingering - it's so long since I practised scales I more or less need a red dot on middle C to remind me where it is :roll: .
Are you anywhere you could get hold of a Scale Manual? The Associated Board do them, and they detail all the scales from C major to Z# melodic minor four hands a minor seventh apart in contrary motion (joke - don't panic! :shock: ) and give all the approved fingering.
I agree with Geminoz - and there AIN'T nothing she don't know! - did your teacher not write the fingering down for you?

Posted: 19 Apr 2005, 22:46
by D Minor
I teach scales via memory and the notes the 4th fingers play.A scale is an alphabetical succession of 8 notes.

For C major RH 4th on B and LH 4th on D. Just below and above the keynote.


G major: GABCDEF#G.

Major scales: Semitones must be between the 3-4 and 7-8 notes...hence key signatures.

Good Luck.