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The inside-out-piano
Posted: 31 Mar 2019, 09:16
by Barrie Heaton
Interesting music, I don't like the idea of musicians putting stuff on the bass strings it can make the copper covers come louse, steels re OK to a point but you can scratch the strings. A vertical grand piano is not a new idea , but I like the idea that it is easy to move.
Re: The inside-out-piano
Posted: 31 Mar 2019, 16:07
by chrisw
I wouldn't be keen on messing about with the steel strings besides the copper covered. Always a chance of getting them contaminated leading to stress corrosion cracking.
Re: The inside-out-piano
Posted: 01 Apr 2019, 19:28
by Gill the Piano
I like the fact that YouTube recommended a film about vandalism to follow that one...
I think that piano is past worrying about the state of the strings. The initial sound on the (REAL) Doctor Who theme tune (the Radiophonic Workshop one) was created by the composer dragging a copper penny (a real one, not a new one) along a wound bass string.