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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 20:47
by Gill the Piano
dave brum wrote: I'm not 'in' with any churches here
dave brum wrote: Fanny Fosdyke already is and she would stop me
dave brum wrote: I'm not going to get the chance to practice on one again
STOPPIT. Don't be negative, do something positive. Look at other churches. Ask.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 22:36
by dave brum
I've gone all shy and apprehensive

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 23 Aug 2014, 02:59
by Gill the Piano
Well don't. Just gerron with it...

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 23 Aug 2014, 06:16
by dave brum
I've absolutely no idea which churches 'she' is involved with, bearing in mind her father is a retired Anglican vicar, and she actually mentioned to me she plays occasionally at 'Maes-y gogledd' parish church ( 1 1/2 miles away) as well as my local one which she has managed to brown nose her way to being Musical Director of. I don't even know whether she plays at RC and Methodist churches besides those belonging to Elizabeth and Justin.
But even if she wasn't in the equation, my wife would suspect me of 'having it off' with the female vicar/curate/warden such is the way she thinks. She didn't like the tone of voice one of the male wardens used last time she went there (Jubilee) when she simply asked his cake stall if she could have another red white and blue iced cupcake and she also felt one of the male members of the choir was looking at her in an improper way (which he was). This is a church located slap bang in the middle of a god forsaken council estate.
So it really is an uphill task. It's a bit like the civil war in Ireland. Take away the politics and you still have the religion. Take away the religion and you still have the politics. No winners. Maybe with all this against me, I should just stick to what I can achieve, becoming a good pianist with the help of Mabel, the piano at Keep Fit, the LoB and various other pianos in music shops and other public places I may encounter.
How did you first become a church organist Gill? I suppose you've been a member of a church all your life which has helped your cause.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 23 Aug 2014, 16:58
by Gill the Piano
Exactly. Ask at the local methodist/baptist/nonconformist churches too.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 23 Aug 2014, 17:00
by dave brum
Gill the Piano wrote:Exactly. Ask at the local methodist/baptist/nonconformist churches too.
How on earth do I, a mere small person who is but a novice, approach these mighty organisations all on my little tod without feeling slightly out of my depth?
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 23 Aug 2014, 17:08
by dave brum
Well, here's something positive anyway. I put out a Music edition of Hymns A&M Revised for £3.49 so we'll see if it's gawn by Friday. I put it in the Religion section rather than my own (music) section and there's much more sales in that section so gawn ni weld....
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 23 Aug 2014, 18:49
by Gill the Piano
dave brum wrote:How on earth do I, a mere small person who is but a novice, approach these mighty organisations all on my little tod without feeling slightly out of my depth?
There's a sort of wooden flap on the front. You open it and go in.
You should get the A&M for yourself!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 23 Aug 2014, 19:39
by dave brum
Gill the Piano wrote:
You should get the A&M for yourself!
Oh nonononono, I've no wish to run before I can walk!!! It's way too difficult for anyone who has only been having regular piano lessons since March.
I'm a bit apprehensive about going up to a total stranger and saying 'can I please practice on your organ even though I can't play properly yet?' (and is ***** ******* on your list of locum organists) If it was Teresa, she'd be just as apprehensive.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 09:05
by dave brum
So in between coming on here moaning, I've been taking into account what you said Gill about my playing speeds and trying, with the aid of my nome to put them right. (and filming myself too)
This is actually true, not only with hymns but with classical tunes as well. I've also found that I always play too slowly. Allegro pieces sound more adagio, especially when there are loads of quavers and SQs. I just cannot move my fingers too fast, and when I do co-ordination just goes and when I want to move, say finger 2, fingers 3 and 4 move also. I don't know whether this can be cured with the right kind of piano practice, or whether I'm just getting old too quick. Should I ask Mabel on 2/9?? I'm afraid to in case she thinks I'm being obsessive again and worrying too much.
But the main thing is that I seem to be losing my sense of rhythm. Senility beckons.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 13:52
by Gill the Piano
It comes with practice. Don't worry about it. Just be aware of it and bring yourself gently back into time.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 13:57
by dave brum
I've asked Helen and she hasn't noticed anything untoward. But I have. But yet again, I've no wish for it to become obsessive as it's now only 9 days to seeing Mabel again.
Where were you playing today then?? I played four hymns (opening, gradual, offertory with the extended verses and closing) to a bedroom full of invisible, non-critical people!!
There's a new upload on my channel. 'Cwm Rhondda' in its entirity. Took me 40 takes to get it right, which is why I need to continue practising it for another couple of weeks before it's forgotten in a matter of a couple of days

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 16:22
by Gill the Piano
Yesterday I was at Fingest (the one you played) and Fawley (single manual, no pedal board, bit wheezy). Someone had pinched the hymnbook with the tune we wanted in so I spent the sermon writing it out!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 16:52
by dave brum
Gill the Piano wrote: Someone had pinched the hymnbook with the tune we wanted in so I spent the sermon writing it out!
The one I tried to play, morelike! A case for that Midsomer Murders geyser then? Theft most blasphemous (we have two replacement hymnbooks in our shop).
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 17:56
by Gill the Piano
No, I reckon I know who has it...just hasn't been put back yet!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 14:25
by dave brum
Used up the last of your delicious chicken ova this lunchtime. Next time wife's off in October, we'll be knocking on your door with a bag of organic maize demanding some more. You best tell them to get laying, Tom Good style!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 18:54
by Gill the Piano
They aren't laying at the moment as they're broody and sitting on eggs. And once the days start drawing in seriously they stop laying. Might be a long wait!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 19:49
by dave brum
It'll be worth it, those scrambled eggs I had for lunch were the best of its kind I've ever had (and they didn't make me fart either!)
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 22:22
by gizzy
dave brum wrote:It'll be worth it, those scrambled eggs I had for lunch were the best of its kind I've ever had (and they didn't make me fart either!)
Gill, you'd better start marketing those quick! I saw in a gardeing catsalogue once you could get Burpless tomatoes (or was it cucumbers?) and now it seems you have hens who lay Fartless eggs

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 22:30
by dave brum
I certainly don't mind food that gives me the trots, my toilet is my oasis of knowledge, away from the diversions and nagging. I'm up to Chapter 4 of the pink ABRSM theory book and it actually seems to sink in when it's read in that particular room in the house in a state of peaceful relaxation, please don't ask me why!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 27 Aug 2014, 16:02
by Gill the Piano
dave brum wrote: my toilet is my oasis of knowledge
Our toilet is an oasis of joke books. Must be nice to be ejumacated...
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 27 Aug 2014, 18:43
by dave brum
Actually they weren't fartless eggs after all,they were more a case of 'retard effect' or 'sustained release' eggs. I had the 'vicar's breath' when I woke up!!!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 11:49
by dave brum
So, my next appointment with Mabel Mucklethwaite is but three days away. It's seemed like ages but playing church organs has helped to break things up a little.
I only have two homework pieces, the Bach Minuet in G which I'm pretty much there with, and the Gypsy Dance by Haydn which is a quickish piece in 2/4 including semiquavers and a little syncopation. I have some concerns over my timings here, especially after what you said Gill regarding my tempo issues on that day. I've been using my metronome and feet to try and get back on the beat but the thing is, if I tell Mabs before I play it that I have been having trouble with the piece and what does she think, then I shall proceed to play it crappily. I'll just keep my mouth shut. However I shall ask her advice on timing issues with my hymns. One good thing, I seem to be taking more notice of timings now. Maybe I should phone you up Gill and play you some stuff so you can hear whether or not it sounds in irregular tempo or not.
She usually has another adult learners concert in mid-December but as it will be themed musically upon that particular time of the year I shall most definitely not be participating, but it will give me more time to hone my skills for next July!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 18:46
by dave brum
...and it's gone quiet again. Nurse, the jump leads....
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 20:42
by Gill the Piano
dave brum wrote:I have some concerns over my timings here, especially after what you said Gill regarding my tempo issues on that day
Stoppit. It was just a suggestion. Don't get a thing about it. Just bear it in mind.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 21:49
by dave brum
Gill the Piano wrote:dave brum wrote:I have some concerns over my timings here, especially after what you said Gill regarding my tempo issues on that day
Stoppit. It was just a suggestion. Don't get a thing about it. Just bear it in mind.
Okay, I'll carry on. But I can't help feeling a trifle paranoid I'm not playing in time and I can't tell myself. If I do bear it in mind, the whole thing rollercoasters out of control and the whole thing will be spoiled once again. And I don't want that to happen, especially now we're on the cusp of autumn, the days are getting shorter and I'm going to be feeling lower and lower and feeling more and more at threat from my moods...and I've been told off yet again by management about my overeating to counter it all.
But, maybe you'd like to tell Jeremy two of the Hambleden Group Magazines has found their ways onto the top of a Brum toilet cistern!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 31 Aug 2014, 16:18
by Gill the Piano
I don't suppose anybody plays in strict time all the time - it'd be boring if they did. But it's just something to be aware of.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 31 Aug 2014, 16:39
by dave brum
Well, it certainly helps my playing if I do not worry about timing as if I am thinking about it, I'll make mistakes. Just have to bear that in mind when I see Mabel on Tuesday (as well as remembering to bring a quid extra as she's put her fees up).
She always tends to put lots of emphasis on her phrasing, so that would affect her timing, plus ritardandos give the piece emotion. Church organists tend to play last verses of hymns louder, plus also use rits as well as those minor-major Picardy thirds you were telling me about (see I haven't forgotten!)
My repertoire for this week includes Gizzy's 'pee-po pee-po belly belly bum bum' song.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 31 Aug 2014, 17:05
by dave brum
Wonder whether the C of E will retweet my thoughts on church organist shortages?
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 31 Aug 2014, 17:25
by Gill the Piano
dave brum wrote:She always tends to put lots of emphasis on her phrasing, so that would affect her timing, plus ritardandos give the piece emotion.
See, so stop mithering.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 31 Aug 2014, 17:57
by dave brum
Aah, but does she play the organ like that though? I dunnoe.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 31 Aug 2014, 18:28
by Gill the Piano
Not during hymns, no; it's hard enough to keep 'em from dragging and if you slowed down they'd stop altogether...but during the introit and outtroit (no, no idea what you call it) and any music played during the service - yes, probably.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 31 Aug 2014, 20:45
by dave brum
I'd love to hear her play at her church. She plays most Sundays and for weddings and funerals too. She usually plays at the summer Flower Festival but this year they had a WW1 thingy instead (which she may have played at). Years ago I took a photo of the organ console and I blew it up, printed it off, framed it, and gave it to Mabs as a thank you just for putting up with an awkward old scrote like me every fortnight. She was over the moon!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 01 Sep 2014, 15:23
by dave brum
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 01 Sep 2014, 21:40
by dave brum
Now just broken through to the last line of Monks Gate in Eb.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 06:18
by dave brum
Well I thought it would never come but it has, 'Playday' is here, piano lesson with Professor Mabel at 1515 and it looks like the sun will be out as well. Perfect! (or perfick if you're an HE Bates fan)
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 15:41
by Gill the Piano
Excellent. I would say enjoy yourself but as I type you already are!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 16:59
by dave brum
Yet another four o'clocker. She fell down the stairs a day or so after I saw her last and dislocated her ankle. Since then she's been in hospital, had 2 ops, been in a wheelchair and now she's in a zimmerframe with a plastered and metal plated leg and on painkillers. She still made a trip to London for a couple of Proms.
So quite a quietish lesson to get us back to speed for the autumn. Here are the main points (like Angela Rippon):
A Dozen A Day bk1, move to group 4
Sightreading. Yes more. SR For Today by Joan Last (Grade 2), one of those per day
Scales/arps TWO per day from my 'scales pot'
HW piece 'Russian Polka' by Glinka (CTM2 page 23)
She even offered to play 'Aberystwyth' for me but Sharon (the primary school girl who goes in after me) was waiting and she was a bit...well, that's another matter, bless her.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 03 Sep 2014, 19:25
by Gill the Piano
Sounds like a good lesson - but poor woman, what a horrid summer she had!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 03 Sep 2014, 20:07
by dave brum
Sent her a get well card. But if I know her she will recover quickly anyway. Her general health is good, she looks very very young for her age and she is also a ballroom dancer (where she met her 'cariad') although she'll be doing precious little of that this side of winter. She still plays the organ on a Sunday but hands only, no feet.
Yes it was a good lesson apart from the sightreading books. She knows I don't like them which is why she gives me more of them. Despite not actually doing exams I'll happily attempt them if she gives them to me (got to do one tonight before bed) just as long as they don't mar my new-found enjoyment of the piano. They certainly have the potential to, but enough about that.
I've got all day tomorrow and Friday at the bookshop.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 17:44
by Gill the Piano
dave brum wrote:as long as they don't mar my new-found enjoyment of the piano. They certainly have the potential to
Only if you want them to. Get on with treading on sighs and stop being negative.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 19:49
by dave brum
Gill the Piano wrote:dave brum wrote:as long as they don't mar my new-found enjoyment of the piano. They certainly have the potential to
Only if you want them to. Get on with treading on sighs and stop being negative.
Well, let's be positive then! Past the halfway point of my HW piece (Russian Polka) and more steady progress on Monk's Gate. I think I'll leave the hymns for a while and try to concentrate on the pieces I haven't done in CTM1. Out of 32 pieces I've still not touched 10 of them so a bit of catching up would probably be a wise choice.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 22:06
by dave brum
Tonight's ***** ******* went all wrong, just like last night and the night before. I shall leave them till last now. Why do I play all the wrong notes and do all the wrong things with them? Please merciful Allah, help me.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 18:35
by Gill the Piano
Allah's busy; just plod on and do what you can. We all make mistakes, it doesn't matter. As long as you do your best.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 19:38
by dave brum
Allah in his wisdom has instructed me to shut up about sight reading and I will be a better servant of His. So that's what I intend to do.
There are a million and one other things to talk about (happier and brighter). Like Strictly, I must admit I'm quite looking forward to seeing Tim Wonnacott prancing around like a titt on the dancefloor as I suspect he'll be this year's 'joke'.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 22:06
by Blodwen
Hello! I haven't been on here for a VERY long time!
Not sure if you remember me, but I thought I'd see what was going on! Last time I was here, Dave Brum had gone, but now seems to be back hehe! Siwmai Dave?
Hope you're all well

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 22:18
by dave brum
Shwmae, Sara!
Ie, dwi nol. Ac mae sianel Youtube a thudalen Twitter 'da fi nawr, felly ar y sianel YT mae sawl darn o ffilm gyda fi'n chwarae piano AC organ eglwys:
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 22:37
by Blodwen

Ti dal yn dysgu'r piano te? Fydd rhaid i mi edrych ar ar y fideos yna
Fi dal yn dysgu hefyd ond yn cael bach o amser bant ar hyn o bryd

nes I basio gradd 5 nol yn mis Mawrth gyda Merit, bach o lwc fi'n credu! Fi'n siwr oedd yr arholiadwr yn teimlo'n flin I mi gan o ni'n pythefnos I ffwrdd o disgwyl fy mab, a doedd yna ddim lot o le I fy mwmp yn erbyn y piano! Nes I chwarae'n wael!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 06 Sep 2014, 06:25
by dave brum
Wel, llongyfarchiadau Sara, nid dim ond dy fod ti'n fam o'r genhedlaeth nesaf o 'Swansea Jacs' pasio Gradd 5 hefyd. Da iawn!! Swn i byth yn gallu gwneud peth o'r fath gan fod fy hyder a'r nerfau mor isel.....
Fis nesa, es i lawr i gwrdd a Gill (the Piano) am y tro cyntaf erioed. Fe wnaeth hi drefnu i fi chwarae 3 organ eglwys y mae hi'n chwarae yn rheolaidd ddyddiau Sul. Ffilmiodd popeth, ac mae i gyd ar fy sianel Youtube. Dwi'n hoff o donau emyn Cymreig (wrth gwrs), dwi'n gallu chwarae Blaenwern, Hyfrydol a Chwm Rhondda hefyd, ond dim ond y ddau gyntaf yn gallu perfformio pan cwrddais i a Gill ar y 13eg Awst. (Mae hi'n dal i fynd i ddosbarth Cymraeg yn nyffryn Tafwys draw)
Gan dy fod ti'n gradd 5, siwr dy fod ti mewn galw yn y gapeli yna fel cyfeilydd!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Posted: 06 Sep 2014, 22:49
by Blodwen
Diolch Dave!
Dal yn methu credu bod gen I Babi bach, Ma fe more hyfryd ac yn 4 a hanner mis yn barod! Fi'n trio dysgu fe'r piano ond duw e ddim yn mynd yn rhy dda ar hun or bryd haha!
Methu credu nes I basio gradd 5 chwaeth! Odd y 'sight reading' yn warthus, nes I edrych ar y cerddoriaeth a bron a chrio. Dwedais I,'r arholwr bo fi ddim yn gallu eu chwarae, odd e mor neis, a wnaeth e rhoi siawns arall I fi ar y diwedd.