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Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 24 May 2012, 12:48
by BevJ
I started learning as a mature adult and am now 51. On an earlier post I wrote that I have avoided exams but I plucked up the courage and with great support from my piano teacher I passed grade 5 in March! Its given me so much more confidence and I now find it easier to play in front of people. I wish I had done exams from the beginning.
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 16:37
by firdaus91
i am just starting to learn piano . i went to this one website that offered some piano courses and i thought this one particular package was worthwhile for me as a starter, but i still doubt it because i never bought anything online before, and i would like to ask you guys' opinions about this kind of product, i am interested on the simple way to learn piano product, and i hope you guys can contribute to your opinions about this product . thanks .
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 07 Jun 2012, 17:14
by Gill the Piano
The English is bad for a start, always a warning sign with me. I think if you're serious about learning then there is no substitute for a proper teacher. If you have no access to, or money for, a teacher then there are plenty of free lessons on YouTube and so on. However, I'm not a teacher; perhaps one of the teachers here have another point of view.
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 25 Jul 2012, 16:52
by russellspiano
Hi I am Russell and new on here. I have been playing piano since 2010 and took my first grade 1 in march 2012, with a merit.
I have a really good teacher and want to get to grade 8 taking 1 grade a year.
I am 54. Thanks for reading my post.
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 00:08
by gizzy
Oh great, new blood (sorry, that made me sound like a vampire!)
Welcome, Russell - I've not been around here all that long myself, but I've been made welcome. Slip over to the Non-piano, idel-chitacht section if you just want to natter. It's been a bit quiet recently, but we're crossing our fingers that it'll pick up soon.
I'm a piano teacher, retired from school, living in Cambridge and teaching a variety of ages from 4-60 at the moment! One grade a year seems a very realistic goal - maybe even a modest goal if you're intending to practise a lot; you'll still be younger than I am now by the time you reach that grade 8!
Big tip! as well as exam music that will stretch you, play lots and lots of easy music. It'll improve every aspect of your playing becasue you won't have to worry about a tough job learning it, b ut particularly, of course, it will make you a fearless sight-reader.
Good luck on your journey!
Gizzy in Cambridge
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 13:16
by piano4solihull
Aged 7 - until I finished my music degree and then I stopped for 11 years

after a bad experience at uni put me off!) I started playing again in 2005, re-took grade 8 classical and grades 4-6-8 jazz piano followed by a diploma. I teach full time and luuuuurve it! have the occasional lesson with a professional musician to keep me on track (3-4 times a year) and love my lessons as they are fast paced and fun
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 12 Nov 2012, 21:29
by JimG
3rd lesson tomorrow....tender age of 63...started it to keep my old fingers mobile, and with worn out knees from sport I need a hobby sitting down.
Grade 8 before the cremation....I hope
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 14 Nov 2012, 18:30
by Gill the Piano
Of COURSE you can- lots of practice!. And while doing music you can sit down in the warm and stand a drink on top of the piano. On a coaster, of course...MUCH nicer than sport!

Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 26 May 2013, 15:36
by nicolini
Going by this saying that:
''Music is one of the few activities in life that utilizes the entire brain.''
What better way to lead a fulfilling and satisfying retirement, and learning piano truly does keep the brain engaged in an enjoyable way. Great exercise for brain power and function.
I retired at 60 and decided to take piano lessons 5 months ago with notable benefits to well being and confidence. Though I can read music, I need to improve speed.
I would like to mention here if I may, I am looking for a second hand piano stool, I did see one for £20 in a second hand furniture shop, but had obviously seen better days, the seat padding had quite gone and my thighs hurt when sitting on it. Although I suppose I could have put a cushion on it. But I'd rather keep looking around.

Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 27 May 2013, 15:16
by Gill the Piano
Second hand piano shops are excellent hunting grounds for piano stools, as are eBay, shop window ads and little ads in the local newspaper. But for 20 quid you can expect a merry afternoon with a cloth remnant, a bit of sponge from the market, and a staple gun!
And you're so right about the learning being good for the brain...only not for the temper! Good luck!
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 18:59
by pianoladybirmingham
@piano4 solihull. Glad you made a career from your degree. I love my lessons mostly! Teacher says they like the challenge of me xx
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 05 Jan 2014, 18:06
by Natalied
I started learning aged 32. I had learned folk guitar as a kid and had classical guitar lessons as an adult but I was always aware that I wasn't that into it. It only occured to me later in life that I could afford a piano. I feel very differently about the piano than the guitar, I know I will never give up on it.

Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 31 Jan 2014, 13:12
by PianoMother
I started at a young age and now I am a piano teacher. I have seen many adult beginners taking up piano lessons. Some are in their 60s, 70s and even 80s. I say piano is not only for children but for adults too. And it is never too late to learn piano.

Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 20:47
by Justpianist
I started learning at 7. I finished 8 classes in music school. Nowadays playing the piano is my hobby. I like to compose my own music and make piano covers for popular song. You can check out my works here:
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 12 May 2014, 14:28
by nicolini
HI I'm still a learner, slowly progressing , I find lots and lots of practice drives me on . I feel good when I start a piece and think, no, I'm never going to do this, but of course with determination and practice I do achieve my goal even if it may seem easy to some.
At the moment, I am learning Mozart's Minuet in G. I'ts coming better, but I need it to be more flowing . I was wondering how long it takes some to play this piece as a relative beginner, should it take a week or more to play it reasonably well?
Also, what would be ABRSM exam piece for Grade 1. ?
Thank you for your help.
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 12 May 2014, 16:46
by Gill the Piano
If you liken music reading to word reading, you are effectively asking 'How long does it take to learn to read?' Answer is different for everybody dependent on age, ability, circumstances, etc.
For ABRSM information, go to their website and look under the Grade 1 piano listings in examinations and it will tell you everything in the syllabus.
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 12 May 2014, 17:03
by nicolini
I can read music at a reasonable pace, but not fast.

I just wanted some indication on how long in general the Mozart piece takes most learners if they have played it.
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 12 May 2014, 19:36
by Gill the Piano
Sorry, I misunderstood you. So do you mean how long should the piece last in minutes? I'm not familiar with that piece so can't tell you, but Colin is a teacher and may well be able to help you. You can always post this question in a thread of its own, and it'll be more noticeable.
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 09 Oct 2014, 12:46
by Lauren295
I started to learn piano at my school level, but in between I left due to some problem. Now, I mostly do with piano.

Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 12 Oct 2014, 16:03
by Gill the Piano
Good, what level are you playing? As long as you're enjoying it!
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 13 Oct 2014, 10:55
by Lauren295
I'm at the 4 level.

Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 13 Oct 2014, 13:52
by Gill the Piano
Well we have pianists and more importantly, piano teachers on here who can offer you help and advice if you get stuck, or if you want you can post stuff in the showcase section for us to enjoy!
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 16 Oct 2014, 06:48
by Lauren295
Sure and thanks for your kind of words.!

Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 19:25
by lovinglife
I wish I had learned the piano sooner, but there was always a stigma that piano-playing was only for girls. I really wish I had ignored that and gone ahead with learning how to play the piano. Anyway, I eventually met my first piano teacher at age 16. I still consider myself a learner, but if I may say so myself, I think I'm pretty good, lol!

Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 13 Jun 2015, 17:40
by Gill the Piano
16 is still young - I know people who started at 76 - that gives you a 60 year head start!

What sort of music do you play?
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 20:46
by JancsoI

Mozart died at the age of 35, khm... I have no huge dreams, but I hope I can learn something. I've collected few pieces to start to learn: What do you think about it?
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 31 Aug 2017, 23:38
by piano expert
kebabselector wrote: ↑03 Apr 2009, 18:45
I started about a month of so ago (aged 38), still not done much at the moment. I'm waiting until my new DP arrives before I start real lessons (currently using Apple Garageband for my lessons).
I think so there is no need of age. Just need motivation and love in it
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 04 Sep 2017, 16:23
by chrisw
Started at about the age of 11 and had about three years of tuition. Then became seriously ill, recovered and eventually went to university and forgot everything about music apart from where to find middle C on the G clef. Bought an electronic piano at about the age of 34 and tried to teach myself. Went to a teacher at age 40 and when she retired to an adult piano class.
Now at the age of 67 I still go for lessons. After all if I were an athlete I would be expected to have a coach !
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 08:46
by gushiwen
adult lerner, start from 30 years old
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 16:26
by Gill the Piano
Well done - a lot harder for adults to learn than children!
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 15 Jan 2019, 13:10
by MrPStyl
Nope. Not an adult beginner here, I began when I was 18
Remember thinking it would be hell, but it actually worked out pretty fine in the end.
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 12 Aug 2020, 10:55
by Aliastar
I'm just starting. I'm 22. I hope 4 years of the guitar will help me

Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 16 Mar 2022, 22:07
by master 786
How are all you lot doing
this course really helped me advance piano skills
must check out
Course includes:
3 Levels from very beginner to advanced
68 videos with lessons explaining everything you need to know and exercise songs being played
68 Printable Exercise Sheets explaining new notes and symbols, as well as exercise songs
Theory Sheets to help deepen knowledge of note reading and symbol recognition
Everything you need to know in one program to get you to love playing the piano and enjoy playing the music of your choice in no time
Re: When did you start learning?
Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 03:21
by ton312
I started learning playing piano at the age of 6. I clearly remebmer that day. I was at home when one woman came to our home. She asked to see my hands and fingers and I agreed. Then my mom said that she decided to surprise me and found a piano teacher for me. I was so happy that day!
But when I was a teenager, I lost my passion to piano and stopped playing it. I had another stuff to deal with and I thought that boys and parties were more important)
Now I am an adult and I think this is the time to start playing again!