Random thoughts or comments...
Moderators: Feg, Gill the Piano
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
(yn symud nawr i'r adran Gymraeg y fforwm)
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Something to look forward to, a Norman church in my local area has open door days and I'm going along on Saturday morning whilst my wife is at work, hopefully to get a good gawp at the organ. There's a whole page on it on the church website:
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
It's certainly an enigma when my pieces are way past Grade 2 and I'm doing Grade 3 scales. Even my technical, if it was graded would be around g2-3 and I'm working my way through book/grade 2 of the AB theory scheme.
I certainly enjoy learning and playing new pieces and I even like scales/arps, they're a test for both brain and hands.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I'm sure I've told you about this before, but...dave brum wrote:T was saying to me in bed last night why have I 'got' to fiddle- @rse about with doing ##### ####### when I'm not actually studying for any exams and have told Mabel no, I don't want to do them, which she accepts?
It's certainly an enigma when my pieces are way past Grade 2 and I'm doing Grade 3 scales. Even my technical, if it was graded would be around g2-3 and I'm working my way through book/grade 2 of the AB theory scheme.
I certainly enjoy learning and playing new pieces and I even like scales/arps, they're a test for both brain and hands.
I stopped lessons when I was 10, at what would probably have got me through grade 1 if I'd worked on it, and I didn't start lessons again until I was 15. In the meantime of course I was doing theory (had grade 6 or 7 by that time) and cello (grade 4 or 5) and general musicianship exams, plus singing in all sorts pf choirs and starting to sing in festivals etc.
And meanwhile I played, like you do, every day. Lots. I didn't work on any scales because nobody was making me, which means that when I started lessons again (and was immediately put in for grade 6!) scales were a nightmare. But neither did I think "I must do some sight-reading" - I was sight-reading all the time, but not for the sake of sight-reading. It was for the sake of learning new music. SO I did ALL the things you are being taught not to do - reading separate hands (well, sometimes) going back over a wrong note, stopping and repeating a chord several times - completely ignoring the pulse when I was trying to work out the notes (because, you know, I did know what it ought to sound like when I eventually got it right, and I'd guess you have at least some of that ability) and this playing new stuff for myself to see if I wanted to play it, eventually made me quite a fearless sight-reader. But as I said, I didn't do it for the sake of "doing sight-reading" and that made a difference.
Dave, would you be up for some easy-to-read rubbish music? I ask because I belong to a thing called the Piano Book Club, an offshoot of the Canadian website Teach Piano Today, where for about 6 quid a month, they send me a new e-book to print out and distribute freely to anyone I like. Mozart it ain't. Some of it is fun, some of it you might try through and decide you can't be doing with it. I'll send you a couple of links by PM in a few minutes.
The first one I got was called Fleas on the Keys, and it was about articulation (Chillapilla Jones, the cool caterpillar, is about slurs, Buggington the flea is for staccato, Fifi the dragonfly is for the pause, and Buster Buzzbee is for accents, and there are two pieces for each of them)
I've had about half a dozen of these now, with a different slant on each. As I said, you might find the music really boring and not worth bothering with (it's patchy, some of it is really fun - Mabel might not like it)
xgizzy in Cambridge
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Probably I should get things into perspective here and say the SR exam tests/Paul Harris/Joan Last etc. is the issue, and not specifically sight reading in general. Whenever Mabs gives me a new piece to learn, or a new set of Dozen a Days, I have to sight read in order to learn the piece/exercise. The issue is how long it takes. In an exam of course, examiner puts a 4 or 6 bar specially written exercise on the piano that's not too dissimilar to a Paul Harris or whatever, and the candidate is expected to play it after a half a minute's prep. Not take as long as she/he wishes, experiment, play both hands separately etc. for an hour or even a day or so! I can sight read, I have a repertoire. But I cannot possibly do it in thirty seconds!
Thanks for the PM and things btw Gizzy.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
This was from July 2009. I'd still be in my 30s then, hadn't done Grade 2 and, of course before I threw in the towel for the first time. But notice how badly phrased the piece was (CTM 1 p9, 'Rondino' by Rameau) and also how I keep looking down at my hands!
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »
It's just sigh treading. Drama queen...dave brum wrote: that subject that killed a thousand saints.

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I managed to get more than a good look at the instrument and console before what I would assume to be a churchwarden collared me but it gave me a chance to ask her about the organ. She told me as much as she knew about the instrument and that it was played regularly but couldn't tell me the date of its last major overhaul but the organist (who wasn't in the building) could. She said there are three relief organists on the rota (betcha one of those is Maggie Murphy) and not long after that, she collared me again when the organist herself walked in! Surprised she was really like you Gill in her mannerisms but 10 years younger and not a single ring (and she plays piano too).
I did tell her about my musical history but I don't think she was that interested. She was constantly being interrupted by various other Church members and parishioners so I felt quite intimidated and like I wasn't being listened to. I told her I played 3 organs in Bucks last month and the results of which were posted on Youtube, and whilst she said it was good, she never asked me for my channel address so she could take a look.
I've said before of aloofness and hostility towards outsiders within the Church of England that is not good. I know lots and lots of British Muslims through the shop, plus one or two Buddhists and not one of those people come across as difficult to get through to, or that they 'look down' on people in any way. Yet I find the Anglican Church as one constant game of oneupmanship and snobbery that is quite repulsive and unwelcoming to a stranger. Even my concerns about shortages of organists and even instruments having to be sold for scrap was like being in a queue at a Jobcentre or post office. 'Yeah yeah yeah. Oh hello Joyce, how are the flowers?'
I came out of that church feeling very very small and unimportant. That God's people (and that is what they profess to be) cared more about themselves than their community. And I'm not just saying that because I didn't get to hear the organ being played or even got a go on it even though I brought some music.
Hope your church(es) aren't like that, Gill. For me, definitely no more hymns. To play a church organ was all I ever wanted to do and I'm grateful that I had the chance to play three but it seems conservative Church attitudes have scuppered me.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
The one I got, and it was unsaleable so I had it for a small donation is called 'The Academic Manual of the Rudiments of Music' by G.Augustus Holmes and dates from 1927. It's not actually published by the AB (found that out when I got home) and it's not in graded order. Whereas the book I got is from much later, from 1958 although the actual edition includes a UK postcode, so with the old AB logo I would put it as an early 70s edition. And it's graded 1-8
The Italian terminology is clearer to stomach than the like that is contained in the Eric Taylor book, and languages is my strong point being bilingual. Con brio....with vigour. Now I imagine seeing 'Brio' powder under the sink.
Gonna be a fun lesson tomorrow with Mabel, plus a nice long talk about....the price of fish?
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Ditching the anxiety-inducing hymns is enabling me to learn more new tunes from CTM1. I've only 8 tunes left in that book now. Sorry, God.
There is a copy of the same edition of the music theory book on Amazon for twenty quid used. The Church Hymnary Revised Edition, which I also picked up in the bookshop however is not going for a great deal on either Amazon or Abebooks. I paid £3.49.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I didn't get any easier SRing, I got the same Joan Last book but only one line of each exercise at a time. And I was reassuringly told 'don't panic' well, when your marriage is falling to bits, and you absolutely hate yourself, that's easier said than done. But I said I would not chicken out, especially when she told me she wished all of her pupils were like me! She said the sight reading will come in time and that it doesn't matter if I get them wrong, I just have to do them. She cited a recital she did last week where she made 2 slipups but it didn't let it bother her, or that she may do likewise at the organ. She also said about her leg, it will heal up but eventually even though she often wishes she could leap around the house like I wish I could SR. I have also been told to stay positive, well again, when you suffer with what I suffer with then again positivity is wishful thinking. Definately no easier SRing, as she knows I can do the g1 ones (only just about)
I have the last group of ADAD book 1 (which I've already started), a new piece and a section of Glinka's Russian Polka I found difficult (semiquavers). And I also have new guidelines on how not to let the piano become obsessive, 2 scales per day and of course repertoire. Next lesson on the 30th same time, insh'Allah.
It just goes to prove how empty my whole existence is when I look forward to seeing Mabel's friendly smiling face so much.....but also that I like safety too much. I really don't like going outside of my comfort zone...and that's not good for a piano learner!
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Quavers in the seventh duet.That's what done it because thinking time was drastically reduced to get the pitch right, and as soon as I make one cock up with getting the right note, more follow because I lose my place.
Confidence is also a major issue as I don't have any. However I'm certainly not intending on chickening out here. But I am grateful I have her on my side.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

If there are lots of quavers and it's in 4/4, try counting 8 to the bar instead; it sometimes gives the brain a little breathing space. I used the trick to slow me down when I have a tendency to rush at 'black' passages. Used it last night to a complicated rhythm in the accompaniment to 'Orinoco Flow'.

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Of course not. God hates people who can't sight read, or even space-wasters. He's too busy loving nasty arrogant so and sos like Fanny Fosdyke!!!Gill the Piano wrote:If as you say our churches are full of stuck up arrogant gits, you don't want us praying for you then, do you...?![]()
Even if I did count 8 it would make absolutely no difference to the speed of the piece, or the fact it would have to be played once, rather than tinkered around at leisure with like I'm doing with my homework piece 'Country Minuet'.
Orinoco Flow, as in the Enya song?
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Must be a bugger to sing as it's practically whispered in syncopation apart from the recognisable 'sail away, sail away, sail away' bit.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

You can get a good book called 'How to Read Churches' or something like. Interesting book - have a look and see if it's in the library.

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Re: Random thoughts or comments...

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
This morning I weighed myself and I found myself to be 2kg lighter. But to me, that's nothing to be pleased about even though my wife says I should be. To me, it's not good as it's too large an amount to lose in seven days given the fact I have most definitely not been starving myself with my meals, had a takeaway Tuesday, a piece of cake, and some nice home made pies. I would have been happy with 1 or a half a kg, so to me, this is a disaster. If I'd had GAINED 2kg, it would have felt like a reason to jump off Clydesdale Tower (23 storey tower block in Birmingham city centre) or something.
I really cannot understand why things I should be happy about I'm ambivolent to (as if the 2kg will go back on soon when I get yet another downer I can't control). Like getting a Distinction for g2 for example.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I'm off to hospital tomorrow morning. I have colitis. I seem to have Mystery Colitis as my GP doesn't know what caused/is causing it and I don't have any kind of pain, just the - er - the other symptoms. Had them for six weeks now. And I've lost 34 pounds since easter. I was priding myself on having done this by cutting my carbs in order to keep my blood glucose down, but now it looks as though it was not all down to my efforts

I did the bowel cancer screening test, which came back normal (that's the one where you have to do three poops on three separate occasions, maybe three days, and scrape two little bits of each into tiny little squares on this card then you shout BINGO! - no, sorry, where was I? you fold it up and send it through the post to some place in Nottingham.)
I also had to take a poop sample, in a sort of test tube, in to my health centre which I did the day after I first saw the doctor, so that was Friday, and go in on the following Friday to have a blood test. At that test I was told they had no result from the poop test which was a bit strange. Then later in the day the nurse rang me and said very sorry but I put your blood into the wrong bottle so please can you come in again on Monday to have it done again. Then on Monday morning the surgery rang me and said i had to do the poop test again as they had been told from the lab that the original one was "lost/unusable". I was really annoyed, why had it taken that long for them to let me know? So I did it again, and had the blood test with a lovely African nurse we have whose name is Memory

Finally last Friday I got a letter saying my blood result had come back and the doctor wanted to see me. Had a very nice consultation with my favourite male doctor at that place who said he'd refer me to the Fast Track clinic which is a place where they either detect or rule out early signs of cancer. He doesn't think I have it, but they will deal with all the complicated investigations that involve putting cameras where the sun don't shine, etc etc and maybe tell me what I really have. My colon seems to have stopped functioning properly, hasn't quite come to a full stop, but there's a question mark hanging over it.
Oh and apparently I'm a bit anaemic. (EH? This is ME we're talking about!?!) and my hitherto perfect kidney test showed up as less than perfect this time.
I get very tired, but otherwise I'm fine - teaching three hours a day and four and a half on Saturdays. Robin retires next Tuesday, and at the end of October we're taking a train to the south of France to celebrate. I was surprised how cheap it was (relatively). I do hope I don't get ill (properly ill, I mean).
He keeps singing the bit from Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds which really ought to be in the mis-heard lyrics thread: "the girl with colitis goes by"
So anyway, that's mainly what I've been up to recently. I do read the forum abut every other day, so I do understand about all the ups and downs; sorry to hear about your job, Dave, and your back pain (you have all my sympathy with the latter!) Have you tried any of the Piano Book Club links I sent you yet?
Love to you all
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
At least nobody has to tell me to do my piano practice! Lesson with Mabel next Tuesday, will you and : be out of hospital by then?
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I have the unspeakable Mahi tomorrow afternoon. Think I'd prefer the MeTube.
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Post by Gill the Piano »

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Thursday pupils is another matter, though. Will have cancelled all except those who can understand what's going on.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

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I have 39 daytime spaces and 37 kids in them plus three adults in the mornings or lunchtimes. Only have to stay alert for 3 hours on a weekday, but some time in between I have to do lesson notes which is quite comprehensive. But... what was that rugby song which ended every verse with "my god how the money rolls in"?
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I had thought that I would just come back and teach in the afternoon, but d#1-Chloe's partner said there's no way I could do that, the sedative they give you is like Rohypnol. I did wonder how he knew what Rohypnol was like, then I remembered he's a pharmaceutical technician. So teaching Monday and Tuesday and then no more lessons till Saturday. What with a couple of adults I'll have to cancel, those three days are costing me over £200

Gizzy in Cambridge
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