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Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 22:59
by Moonlight
markymark wrote:they just keep going on and on and on and on and on and on.........
I'm not offended buy that comment, because Its true; unless there is women out there that don't like to chat much

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:01
by markymark
I remember Ken Dodd talking about the invention of the TV. He said that most people would say that John Logie Baird invented the television but that that was quite wrong. It was invented by a miner in North Wales who was sitting in the canteen during his lunch break one day. He was sitting trying to relax. Incidentally his wife also worked in the canteen and she never seemed to lay off him. It was one of those fateful days when the miner overstayed his teabreak that he looked towards the kitchen hatch and watched his wife standing shouting at him through the hatch that the vision of television was birthed!
I thought that was hilarious!
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:02
by markymark
Moonlight wrote:I'm not offended buy that comment, because Its true; unless there is women out there that don't like to chat much
Well I have come across those too. I just call them 'odd'!
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:05
by markymark
dave brum wrote:Got my weigh-in in the morning. Was 19st6 last week. Wonder what I'll be tomorrow?
Really? Thought you looked more 24st but hey - I'm not good at estimating - JOKING!!!!
You don't look 19st from that photo!
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:05
by Moonlight

t was probably the birth of tv soaps too, like Eastenders. I wonder if that miner's name was RICKY!!!!!!!!
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:07
by markymark

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:08
by Moonlight
Dave you have nothing to worry about you don't even look fat!
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:10
by markymark
No! If you were walking around looking like Rik Waller (who always wears dark clothes AND married a goth) you'd have something to worry about!
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:12
by markymark
I'm not exactly slim. I'm about 14.5 stone and am 6'1. I'm technically in the obese category I believe!
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:16
by markymark
I remember getting food poisoning from a fast food outlet and went down to 13 stone! I looked at photographs of myself and looked like I'd just come through a famine!
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:17
by markymark
dave brum wrote:sorry guys but got to say goodnight, my wife wants to go to sleep. Nightie night dearest Anna

nightie night my dear old pal Mr.Spark

Better go. The last thing you want is to turn up for your weigh-in with two black eyes!
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:17
by Moonlight
awwww ok Dave Good night!!
Well you don't look it in the photo...

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:23
by markymark
So Anna do you teach then or are you one of these scabs that write appauling trash about their past teachers at high school on rate my teacher?
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:26
by Moonlight
markymark wrote:I remember getting food poisoning from a fast food outlet and went down to 13 stone! I looked at photographs of myself and looked like I'd just come through a famine!
Wow really? I remember geting food poisoning from eating sushi from M&S word of warning, don't trust the supermakets or cafes brand of sushi only from japanese ones or restaurants...
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:27
by markymark
Moonlight wrote:markymark wrote:I remember getting food poisoning from a fast food outlet and went down to 13 stone! I looked at photographs of myself and looked like I'd just come through a famine!
Wow really? I remember geting food poisoning from eating sushi from M&S word of warning, don't trust the supermakets or cafes brand of sushi only from japanese ones or restaurants...
KFC got me!
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:29
by Moonlight
No I'm not a teacher, I'm an ( ahem...CURENTLY unemployed) graphic designer / illustrator. I graduated last year worked for 5 months at a webdesign place.
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:32
by markymark
Barrie Heaton wrote:"The Lounge "
For any subject discussion
it should be in the Non Piano section then all would use it
"The Piano Lounge "
in the Learning to play the piano section, restricted to music
or........ do you have an idea
I actually think this is a great idea. In this thread alone, we have more postings than the Tuners' forum - and it's probably a heck of a lot more interesting! What do you think Anna?
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:32
by markymark
Moonlight wrote:No I'm not a teacher, I'm an ( ahem...CURENTLY unemployed) graphic designer / illustrator. I graduated last year worked for 5 months at a webdesign place.
Is graphic design hard to get into?
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:37
by markymark
Personally I think something generic like "The Lounge" would be fine. As its a forum on a Piano page, the forum is most likely to contain stuff about music anyway, but offers the flexibility to go off topic! Just an idea, but I think that the networking aspect is something that is missing from the forum.
Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:38
by Moonlight
Yeah that sounds cool, the lounge or whatever. It would mostly be for me, you Dave and sparkely the chatter boxes.
Yes it is rather difficult to get into the creative industry. Well I'm finding it difficult at the moment grrrr

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:40
by markymark
I need to go and lie down! I've got a really bad cold. The screen is starting to hurt my eyes and this chair is starting to get uncomfortable!
Night all!

Posted: 12 Sep 2008, 23:43
by Moonlight
bye Mark!
bye Dave
Now I'm on my larrys!

Posted: 13 Sep 2008, 23:22
by Moonlight
Evening Dave,
I don't watch that, but I did watch the Proms today or tried to ( my annoying freeview image keept playing up! Right in the middle of that Beethoven piano fantasia!

) Sue Perkins won Maestro and had to conduct 3 pieces, she was good I'm happy she won.
Haven't seen that film either (sorry) it was on today wasn't it?
That pork life comment to me is funny, but not very nice to say to someone! Who said that, was it on Strictly?
Posted: 13 Sep 2008, 23:34
by Moonlight
I have just learned a page of the Beethoven Moonlight sonata adagio!, 20 bars I'm well chuffed!

Its my 1st piece of proper music!
Only 50 bars to go now!

I must say though, bar 16 is
ouch my hand needs to streach a 9th! Maybe easy for you men or big handed women; but not for me but I can do it, just!
Posted: 15 Sep 2008, 09:39
by louttrim
blimey.. I don't post for 2 days over the weekend, and this thread has got very looooonnnnnnngggggg during that time!! How is everyone?
I'm supposed to be working

so can't stay and chat too long. Just wanted to say hi! Did loads of practise over the w/e, so I hope Natalya notices on Thursday!!
Linzy x
Posted: 15 Sep 2008, 11:36
by Nutroast
Hello all, I also went away for the weekend and have had to spend a pleasurable age catching up with you all!
Wow Anna, 20 bars of Moonlight Sonata! I'm jealous. I'm on bar 2!
I never saw Quadrophenia Dave, even though I'm also the spawn of the 60's (I'm a world cup year baby!) My film-watching has never been very mature, I struggled to get beyond Bambi. I still have fond memories of TV though, with The Clangers, The Wombles, Mary Mungo & Midge, Barbapapa oh I could go on and on....
As we were away, I had NO practice

but we did have a great time with my parents and then took a small Boo on the train to Shoreham to go to the Duke of Wellington (tap for the wonderful Dark Star Brewery, they have one in Brighton too, but it doesn't have a child-friendly garden like this one). I then took her to Bekonskot Model Village on Sunday which brought back more memories for me I can tell you!
I'm going to do some serious catching up with Rosie today so I don't look like a total dunce when I have my next lesson.
See you later,
Posted: 15 Sep 2008, 15:30
by Moonlight
Hi Dave, hows it going?
Yeah I know about the Blur Park Life tune, I knew that comment had somthing to do with it! Now I see the connection.
I don't watch Eastenders either, haven't watched it for years; not since I was in my teens. If you miss just one omnibus edition of it you will be clueless because so much mundane stuff happens within a week on that soap.
Did you get food poisoning form your fish and chips? Its funny ( as in weird )

because me and Mark were talking about that after you left, that day when we were all chatting; hope you recoved quickly.
Good luck for your next lesson Dave! hope you mange to play the T-Rex tune well. Your doing a duet too aren't you?, so lucky. I'm tring to learn the primo part from Schumann's Scenes From Childhood No.1 ( I love that piece) but I have no body to duet with

So I'm trying to combine it with the secondo part.
I gave your Joplin tune a very quick go, sounds funky! but I wont learn it yet, I'm not used to syncopated beats yet.
If youre fed up with your Mozart piece, but still want to give Mozart ago then try the piece I sent you. Its really easy and sounds really nice.
Posted: 16 Sep 2008, 13:03
by sparkley
Hello everyone
Gosh, I disappear for a few days and this thread has reached 5 pages!!!! Sorry for my absence, I'm extremely busy at work at the moment so don't have much spare time. I'm writing this in a quick 20 minute lunch break!! I'm involved in a big trial at work over the next few weeks so won't be around much
Dave, I hope you're feeling better! That sounds so awful. I can't believe your next lesson has come around again already!!! That's so quick! Casserole sounds yummy!
Anna I've missed you! Yay for your progress with Moonlight Sonata! That's fab! Are you playing a simplified version or the actual proper version? Either way its impressive, but I'd be unbelievably impressed if you were playing the 'real' version! I can't even play the simplified version which I have, its so hard!!! I watched the Proms too, it was great. I thought of you when I saw Sue Perkins as I knew you wanted her to win!
I have my piano lesson tonight so will let you all know how it goes!
Posted: 16 Sep 2008, 17:13
by Moonlight
Hi Abi!
I missed you too! Its getting a bit quiet without you, but me and Dave will try to keep things lively until you can join us more often; once more!
The version of the sonata I'm doing is the 'real' version, I have a simplifed version of it in D minor for kids but it lacks the moody dark sounding octaves in the base so it sounds less bassy that one. I'm on bar 27 now...

but my hands hurt a bit

Its funny I can't get too emotionally involved when playing it because it makes me make a mistake!

I wonder how proper musicians overcome that.

with your lesson today!

( oh, and you get to play on a grand!
sooo lucky!)
Posted: 16 Sep 2008, 21:49
by markymark
dave brum wrote:Think Markymark's done another bunk!
Has done three days' work in the space of two more like!
Yes I was playing in church on Sunday, despite cold symptoms... You obviously haven't been practising enough Dave! Just look at the amount of postings you've made since Saturday night!
Posted: 16 Sep 2008, 22:02
by markymark
You'll make Mrs Brum jealous saying things like that!
Besides, we all know who wears the trousers in your house! After all, didn't she call curfew the other night?

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 16:47
by louttrim
afternoon all!
My mum and I had a day out planned, and she was supposed to be here at 10.. I thought ooo I'll get 10 minutes practise in, before she gets here, and sure enough she turns up early, and then insists that I finish my practise.. how many mistakes did I make??? Thousands!!! It was only 'the first nowell', and Handell's Gavotte too!

Anyway.. how are you all?? You'll be proud of me Dave, I've put all my books away apart from the 3 that I'm
supposed to be looking at. Hopefully it means that I will have improved on those pieces, but based on today I'm not so sure!!
Linzy x
Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 20:43
by sparkley
Hello all
Thanks for the good luck messages!! I had a great lesson yesterday! My teacher was soooo pleased with my progress! She lent me a new book called Classics To Moderns which has loads of lovely piano pieces in! I'm so excited about playing them hehehe! She also said that I was her model pupil as I always practice my scales
What has everybody been up to today then?
Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 11:04
by Nutroast
Mornin' all!
I've got my second lesson today and hope the fluff fairy stays at home. She's also the fairy that stops me being able to remember my ACEGs and my GBDFAs! My husband came up with a new pnemonic for GBDFA yesterday, but I don't think I ought to write it down in polite company.
I've been wondering whether or not to get a 'nome, I recon it'll just distract me, but I was sorely tempted to buy one when I saw this! ... ory_id=150 Christmas is coming Santa, if you're listening. At least it made me chuckle.
Right, I'm off to do some much-needed practice. Catch you later.
Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 12:05
by louttrim
Morning Jan!
My lesson has been postponed; Eleanor is off school as she spent 90% of last night throwing up.. I'm sssssoooooo tired!! So I'm going tomorrow instead. Gives me another night to practise! Although I think I might just go to bed at about 8pm instead.. so if I'm still whittering away on here after that then just tell me to go to bed!
Your practising must be going well if you're thinking of getting a metronome, Jan - or does everyone on here think that it's a good tool to have?? To be honest, I think timing isn't my biggest problem - it's learning how to strike the notes properly to get the sound right. Ah well..
Don't forget to let us know how your lesson has gone
Linzy x
Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 12:24
by Nutroast
Hello Dave, Yes, you were close to spot on, in fact, I thing your version is even better. I don't think I'll quote that to my teacher though

!! My lesson's at 3 this afternoon so wish me luck.
Linzy - sorry to hear your lo is poorly. I don't do sleepless nights very well, but getting covered in sick does tend to focus the mind. We're used to getting woken up by our daughter, or a cat trampling across us, but last night, for a change, we were woken at 2am by a pair of tawny owls calling to each other outside our window. I hope Eleanor's feeling better soon. As for the 'nome, my practicing isn't going that well, I just can't help but look at piano gadgets! I must go and do some more practice now, after a cuppa and giving the moggies their lunch.
I'll try and get online later to let you know how the

lesson goes.
PS. The owls probably came out as it was a dry night, they don't do their courtship in the rain as it's too wet to woo (sorry).
Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 22:10
by markymark
Keep pushing through with the fingering you have practised or else you'll end up going to your lesson with two (or more) fingerings for the music!
Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 22:20
by markymark
Dave you're just going to have to get out of these bad habits!

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 11:50
by Moonlight
Nutroast wrote:PS. The owls probably came out as it was a dry night, they don't do their courtship in the rain as it's too wet to woo (sorry).
Loving that pun Nutroast!

so funny, you can get an owl metronome too you know!
Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 12:02
by Moonlight
Hi Dave & co!
Dave don't worry too much about your lesson, and keep to the fingerings from the book! Thats what I try to do, unless the figering are too stupidy hard for me coz my hands are too small then I need to devise my own and cross out the sugestions.
I would really like to know though, what are these 'BAD HABBITS' people can develop? I really would like to know what the common bad habbits are as I have been teaching myself piano for 7 months ( becasue I can't afford lessons yet ) I want to know if I have any, and if I do could I re-train myself without a teacher? or at least try
One bad habbit I have 95% nailed is swearing each time I make a mistake. Instead for saying the F word it comes out as a muffled fffffffff sound now

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 17:18
by markymark
Moonlight wrote:
I would really like to know though, what are these 'BAD HABBITS' people can develop? I really would like to know what the common bad habbits are as I have been teaching myself piano for 7 months....
One bad habbit I have ....
You mean like spelling bad habit as "bad habbit"?

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 17:37
by Moonlight
Ha ha ha Marky,
I meant in the musical sense! not my spelling problem. Thats why I wouldn't make a good teacher, I was never good at spelling or maths but excelled in art...
Seriously though, what are the bad
Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 18:43
by markymark
Well besides fingering, other key bad habits would be:
> raising wrists too high
> straightening fingers during particular fast sections of music
> over-playing music (playing too loudly)
> slouching at the piano
> believe it or not, playing too fast is also a bad habit unconfident players can get into, particularly during their practice sessions.
These just sprang to mind!
Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 20:12
by louttrim
You're right Mark.. playing too fast is one of my bad habits. It means that I don't always get all the expression I should in a piece.
Other bad habits: not working out the fingering before you actually start to play .. trying to learn new pieces before getting perfection on the old ones .. not remembering that the first note in a legato is played a little louder than the rest .. being afraid of hitting a wrong note
I could go on and on!
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 21:46
by PianoAngel
Hi Dave!
It is quiet around here today, isn't it?? I've been reading in a lurker fashion for the past few days, but haven't had a minute to post. I've taken on quite a few new students, including a couple of new adult beginners who are coming every couple of weeks or so. Takes me quite a bit of time to make all the lesson plans too, and look out new pieces! Unfortunately I'm not finding time to practice my Rachmaninov

I'm going to take my Grade 2 flute exam this November though, and I am getting a little bit of practice on that!
Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 23:25
by markymark
I tried to take up the flute but couldn't get the mouthpiece right. I reckoned with my level at piano that all I'd need to do is learn the fingering. I could blow into the mouthpiece but when I connected it to the rest of the flute, I got nothing!
Needless to say, it got the heave-ho!
Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 18:02
by Moonlight
markymark wrote:I tried to take up the flute...
Speaking of other musical instruments my mum bought some bagpipes from a charity shop for 3 quid! a few weeks ago

does anyone know how to use them?
I haven't had a go on them yet, soo much blowing so much noise! and my dog goes mad at the sound! and tries to bite them

well he is a Border Terrier!
Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 19:32
by louttrim
Dave, I'll bring my carols book with me next week - we'll see if the arrangements are very different!!
My sister in law plays the Irish bagpipes.. it's bloody hard work.. lots of puff required (No comment from me!!)
Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 21:41
by Moonlight
dave brum wrote: methinks they would be worth much much more than the three quid your mom paid for them!!!!!
I think they are novelty junior bagpies for children but they do work, well they make a bagpipe style sound! I bet they came from the gift shop in Oben!

it was quite a big gift shop and it had all kinds of silly Scotish related gifts in there!
I saw a slily Big Ben shaped tea pot in a gift shop near the Natural History musem in London once!

Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 09:02
by PianoAngel
Congratulations Dave
Looks like ditching Weight Watchers was the right thing!