Tier 3 Lancashire

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Tier 3 Lancashire

Post by chrisw »

I hope you are staying well Barrie and that your activities are not being perturbed too much by the current covid restrictions.
Barrie Heaton
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Re: Tier 3 Lancashire

Post by Barrie Heaton »

Thanks for asking We are allowed to tune pianos in the lockdown, as it comes under service but I m about 40% down on turnover this year which is a lot better than most in the music and leisure industry who are really struggling.

I do understand the countywide lockdown in the tier system as we had Bolton and Blackburn were in a high rate and most of them were going to Chorley to have a beer who were in a lower rate but then the rates in Chorley rocketed.

How's life at your end of the county

Barrie Heaton
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Re: Tier 3 Lancashire

Post by chrisw »

The number of new Covid infections in the Lancaster area has dropped appreciably in the last couple of weeks and it is now much less than south Lakeland which has been put into tier 2. In fact when I wrote to my MP last week the whole of Lancashire, including Blackburn had only marginally more infections than south Lakeland.

The Morecambe Bay piano group continues to have monthly meetings using Zoom. Because Zoom is not brilliant at broadcasting sound most people record their pieces into a private YouTube channel and it works well. I have got quite used to recording into a smart phone and have learnt lots of new pieces during lockdown. There are a number of members, me included, that will be pleased when we can get back to playing the lovely Kawai grand in the Salvation Army hall.
Barrie Heaton
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Re: Tier 3 Lancashire

Post by Barrie Heaton »

I tuned it a few weeks ago its now being to settle down. The captain was telling me they can't use the piano in case someone sings :? .

Hopefully this time next year we will be looking at this is a distant sad memory in the UK. Sadly it will take a little bit longer for the rest of the world to get a vaccine out.

Barrie Heaton
Web Master UK Piano Page
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