Christmas 2014
Moderators: Feg, Gill the Piano
Christmas 2014
Also, it's commonplace for them every Christmas to do carols on Christmas Eve in a public house (the same one). The mind boggles....
ps got the Boar's Head plus the Lingo this morning, ta! The braced treble stave looks a little too hard, so I think I'll go for the top treble stave for the RH, but at least it's in the dead easy key of C.
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Christmas 2014
Well, you know me, VERY sensible, but by no means a killjoyGill the Piano wrote:Very sensible...but give it a go with 4 parts for fun, won't you?

On the lookout for unusual Christmas songs and carols for the shop. Seen loads but quite a few are either too un-PC or too rude ('My First Christmas As a Woman' which includes the lyrics 'chop it off, chop it off, my penis chop it off, it's no damn use to me....'). Basically I'm after stuff you don't hear in the chops - sorry shops.
So far I've got 3 versions of medieval carol Verbum Patris Hummanatur back to back, the Boar's Head (of course), the one that features on Gizzy's advent calendar on 6/12, lots of jazz and blues ones including Satchmo 'Zat You Santa Claus', the carol of the Two Front Teeth, Dora Bryan's similarly titled one, and ending with Hark The Herald Angels Sing (the version by The Fall). Anyone any ideas??
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Christmas 2014
My EFP carol book arrived today and I've already had a go at a few ones.
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Christmas 2014
Yes there is, seen it on Amazon. There are blue bits where there is red on Bk1.Gill the Piano wrote:I think there's a book two of EFP, but don't quote me!
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »
Must mean it's easier!dave brum wrote:Gill the Piano wrote: There are blue bits where there is red on Bk1.

Re: Christmas 2014
I still have to do RH, LH and both together with book 1, but it should take me less time so I can learn more carols. I need alertness and fast reactions, something I don't have due to the antidepressants.Gill the Piano wrote:Must mean it's easier!dave brum wrote:Gill the Piano wrote: There are blue bits where there is red on Bk1.
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Christmas 2014
Re: Christmas 2014
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Christmas 2014
Re: Christmas 2014
The only thing that interests me is a remastered version of the first Carols from Kings from 1954 on BBC4.
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Christmas 2014
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

At the latest count I'm playing for 8 Christmas/Carol services.

Re: Christmas 2014
The congregation still have their coats on, in a heated purpose built building that dates from 1951 I find that very odd, especially as we are in a very mild spell at the moment with evening temperatures around 9 or 10 degrees.
The top of Fanny's nut can be plainly seen at the organ on the left of the picture. This is the first picture they have tweeted as their account was only opened earlier this month.
I'm off to become a Muslim now.
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Christmas 2014
Ali Farka Toure (Mali), Youssou'n Dour, Habib Koite (Senegal), Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan (Pakistan) Dawud Wharnsby Ali (Canada) are Muslim musicians that I can think of, Mohammed Rafi is also an actor. Google 'musicians from (Pakistan, Malaysia, Senegal, Egypt, any predominantly Muslim country) and Islamic artists that do 'nasheeds' (Muslim praise and worship songs based upon Koranic verses). Dawud Wharnsby Ali does them in English!Gill the Piano wrote:I wouldn't; music is 'haram', or forbidden. One of my customers was quite distressed because a child in her class covered her ears and got upset, shouting 'Haram! Haram!' when music was played. What a terrible existence.
My pal Sultan from the bookshop is a tabla-ist and a drummer.
Even extreme elements of the religion (so-called 'jihadis') use very Westernised rap music as recruiting tools for their cause amongst youth. How 'haram' is that??
I've just remembered Abdullah Ibrahim, the American jazz pianist. ... _the_media
(lots more links)
Re: Christmas 2014
There are LOADS of Muslim musicians!!
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Christmas 2014
Music is an important outreach tool for any religion and any fundamentalist that says that music is of the devil, haram, part of the Jewish conspiracy etc. really needs to take a good hard look at the many musicians who are known as followers of their respective faith before they mount their political soapboxes and expect us to believe their hooley. Like this hijabi female from Malaysia who is an online hit, Ainan Tasneem:
(wonder if Dolores O'Riordan has seen it?
Two more Muslim piano learners, as an update (look at June 2014 Learners of the Month)
Re: Christmas 2014
Balls. And no toodling down the pub for the annual carol concert there in false beards and wigs just to heckle and annoy Fanny, who'll be leading the church choir. She'll be busy today. Crib Service at 3, Drunken Carols at 6, and Midnight Mass (obviously without the Latin bits) at 11.45. Oh and up early tomorrow morning. Then on Friday, given the fact there will be a service for that particular saint on whose day it will be.
Right. Tell yourself that today is Wednesday. And tomorrow is Thursday, Bank Holiday Thursday and one of fifty two Thursdays we have each calendar year - followed by Bank Holiday Friday. That way, we won't lose our sense of time.
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Christmas 2014
Except for Iain Duncan Smith and all employees of the government department which he is in charge of as between them, the petty nazi filth have ruined this season for myself and my wife. I do hope this Christmas will be their last ones. Oh and of course Fanny Fosdyke.Gill the Piano wrote:Happy Christmas, everyone, and a peaceful and healthy new year.
Re: Christmas 2014
Merry Christmas everyone. God bless you and your families. Christ has risen!
I may not be an ordained minister or a doctor of theology but aren't they getting confused with the season of bunnies and eggs??
Re: Christmas 2014
If I was not a married man I would have done ALL of those (minus the presents) oh, and she doesn't even want to hear me play a carol on the piano either. Soccer AM was far, far more important. What a bloody miserable Christmas.
Re: Christmas 2014
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »
What about your antique carol book then?dave brum wrote:It just occured to me that this is the very first Christmas both my wife or myself actually had no presents in our entire lives.

Re: Christmas 2014
If one calls it a present, I call it sightreading grist for the sightreading mill, or stuff to practice to!Gill the Piano wrote:What about your antique carol book then?dave brum wrote:It just occured to me that this is the very first Christmas both my wife or myself actually had no presents in our entire lives.
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Christmas 2014
Christmas 2014
Post by Michaelcip »
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Re: Christmas 2014
Post by Gill the Piano »

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