Church music
Moderators: Feg, Gill the Piano
Re: Church music
There are loads of other suitable books out there too - just look at the 'You May Also Like' tab.
Re: Church music
But we probably didn't really worry that we didn't know the meaning, did we? I weas well into my teens before I thought about "God of God, Light of Light, Lo he abhors not the virgin's womb, very god begotten not created", I just sang it; there were at least four words there I didn't knowdave brum wrote:But it was lovely to see all those lively hymns we had drummed into us at school that as six and seven year olds we had absolutely idea of the meanings of those words contained therein, except maybe 'the' and 'God'.....
And as for the verse in O Worship the King, I loved this one: "Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite, it breathes in the air, it shines in the light, it streams from the hills, it descends to the plain, and sweetly distils in the dew and the rain" And having sung it since I was five, I was probably about nine before I thought that just maybe those words weren't all about a tongue, and oh the amazingly weird images that must have gone through my head!

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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »
Yes, get the Eleanor Franklin Pike - good dependable arrangements of proper hymns! No Mission Praise stuff there, fortunately! I have to be anaesthetised to play out of that book - there are at least five 'songs' which sound as though they should be sung around a grave in a Western...

Re: Church music
It seems so obvious when you've spent years singing from these things. The first time I played at Sunday school at the age of about 13 I think my Dad who was an organist was quite disappointed that I couldn't play four parts straight off, since I had g5 theory and had been taught to play cadences etc from the age of 10; so I went along and played melody and bass lines only for the first couple of weeks. After that I got a bit braver and added either the tenor or the alto part, and within a few weeks I was up to four parts.
Then I started being allowed to play for assembly at school. we used to get a week each and could choose the hymns ourselves. Now, I hated playing in flat keys, and was much happier to read three flats (for instance) as four sharps, since they were on the same lines. I held tremenduus power in Elmhurst Grammar School: we used Songs of Praise which was pretty high pitched to start with, and I had the power to make the whole school sing a semitone higher.

Re: Church music
I think the natural is a lovely design. Stick it up against a sharp and it looks like a square flat with an extra droopy bit (oo matron) and stick it up against a sharp and it looks like a sharp with some of its hands in its pockets. Almost forces you to raise/lower in the right direction. Yet it wasn't designed with that in mind.
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music ... c-and.html
Re: Church music
Happy oestrogen, in the words of Gizzy....
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music
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Re: Church music
Re: Church music
More oft than not, I automatically ignore that rule, so the hymn sounds wrong. But, practice makes perfect and I'm going to have to get out of more sight reading/flattening wrong notes/guessing bad habits. Problems problems...
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music
Re: Church music
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music

She'll say 'Right, Let's Have A Look At Your..........(looks at notebook)........##### ####### but it doesn't mar my enjoyment. I'm a musician, not a ##### ######.
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music
Maybe doing hymns is in itself counter productive as I'm not a member of a church so it's not as if I'll actually get a chance to play them on an organ locally

Pun alert, playing the church organ is perhaps a pipe dream, a goal that I don't stand a chance of reaching given my circumstances. But hey, I've at least had a go on three!
But come what may, I'll still finish Monks Gate as I've started it.
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music
I had a superb view of the 4 manual Nicholson at Ludlow church being played this week, and it's a cracker. There's a TV camera fixed on the door so he/she knows when the ministers are ready for the start of the processional hymn.
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music
I shall probably become Birmingham's anonymous church organist if I get confident enough and I conquer my fears of sight reading. 'Oh, I didn't know he played and he only lives a few streets away' on the day the lorry came to take the uninstalled instrument away and the mp3 simulated music system was installed.....
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »
There's this hole under your nose called a gob. You could always open it and ASK.dave brum wrote:It wasn't an official recital, and he could plainly see I was very interested in the instrument. I thought in between pieces he'd talk to me about the instrument, what it's like to play (it sounds really robust and powerful for one of England's 'Greater Churches') and even, just possibly, offer me a go on it. But nononono.

Re: Church music
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Re: Church music
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

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Re: Church music
That's the one, without incurring the wrath and anger of the right-wing evangelical zealots.Happy clappy crappy shiny shiny praisey Lordy. I don't know if you're aware of a fundamentalist hymn book called 'Power Praise' but some herbert's attempted to translate it into Welsh. I've seen it and it doesn't translate well at all. 'Grym Mawl' is its enw Cymraeg.Gill the Piano wrote:Happy crappy, you mean...
Fundamentalist 'praise and worship songs' are sung at FF's church on one Sunday a month, under the guise of 'Family Service' in which the organ is not used. I guess the Director of Music is relegated to the piano on those Sundays...
It probably works in a church that was only consecrated in 1951.
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »
Grym mawr....should that be 'grim'?

Re: Church music
I also told her that my friend Helen had said about being ready to play for a Sunday service, but that I only know 4 hymns. 'You need to know more that four hymns!' she says, I know she's not that keen on me doing them.
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music
I suppose Mabel thinks learning hymns is irrelevant as I'm not a churchgoer anyway (just a believer in God/Allah). It would be down to a churchwarden to 'put a word in' as I understand it which is why I think I may be building my castles in the air again with my wish to become a church organist. Maybe I should concentrate on something that is within my reach, like becoming a good pianist and allowing Mabel to help me achieve that. I just like Welsh hymns.
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »
Who plays the organ is down to the organist. Just ASK.

Re: Church music
And the organist at my local church is England's most intimidating woman since Margaret Thatcher, Gertie O'Reilly! No win situation.Gill the Piano wrote: Who plays the organ is down to the organist. Just ASK.
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Re: Church music
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Church music
Re: Church music
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