Random thoughts or comments...
Moderators: Feg, Gill the Piano
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
The anxiety is now beginning to set in, because I've absolutely no idea what to expect when I knock on a strange door tomorrow morning.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

Still shaking like a bloody leaf.....Hope I can keep me dinner down!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...

I do hope it'll go alright tomorrow. I'm trying my best not to worry about it.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I wish the both of us were happy people like you and Eric, despite everything life has chucked at you, the both of you keep smiling. Neither one of us know how to do that, I was saying on the journey back up north.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I now realise what, or rather who the problem is, that miserable old s@d I'm married to has turned me into a nervous wreck. She is the problem, and the reason why I'll always be looking over my shoulder and afraid of what others will think. The awful truth.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Here's something positive, it's my pay day tomorrow.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I cannot possibly do that. She will think I'm having it orf with some female (or possibly male) there, or she will persistently winge that 'we should be doing things together as we're married'. I would never be able to win. The best support I had was from YOU, Gill and everything you said to try and help me to become a better player will be acted upon. Not like her, all she did was get under my feet all day and I could have done without her. I would have enjoyed myself much much more.Gill the Piano wrote:Go to church on your own then. .
You don't know how she thinks, as I say, I've put up with it for 10 years.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyQU6NR ... dsUl97u2SQ
Odd that I can't find that Walter Carroll book anywhere, Gill. I think I must have chucked it away when I gave up last time as it was in very bad condition.
So, when are you coming up here then for a taste of my home cooked food then? (no pub lunches as pubs in Birmingham are no-go areas, chavs chavs and more filthy rotten drunken chavs).
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »
Liked the vids - well done.

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
There's no straight-faced way to say this but you have a very relaxed and natural touch, that's something that can't be learnt. That piece...
...Is good and ready to go at any church service, I know a few long-serving organists that can't play the hymn as well as that!

that's fantastic! I'm very impressed, note perfect. You're good and ready for a booming male voice choir now!
This is a MAJOR boost.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
What do you mean, of course I'm doing it again in another few months or so. Time to put a brown-nosing plan for Mabel!!!Gill the Piano wrote:........ something you need never do again if you don't like it!
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
well, that wasn't the tune I got from it....
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
If I'd had known, I'd had brought some music with me to play. Especially as not all of the pianos were being played at any one time yesterday.
Well then Gill, what gigs have we got tomorrow?? (I can't come along in my black trenchcoat, false beard and glasses now as you'd spot me right away now!) I think my favourite organ was...well they were ALL my favourites in true Forsythian style.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
So, you'll probably be having a whale of a time playing those merry organs today, I'm stuck indoors with nowt to do

Wish cats laid eggs.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Speaking positively, maybe next time I pick up an old tune and try and remember how I played it, it'll only take three days, twenty-three hours, fifty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds to get it back!

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
...It always makes me laugh when I read in lists of wrong translations into English the instructions on some Japanese kitchen device "not to be used for the other purpose" - sort of implies "and you know exactly what we mean by that, oh yes you do, we've been watching you"...
sorry, where was I? Oh yes, the other purpose of sight-reading, which is to work out how this music goes without someone else having to play it to me first. And I do think you're perfectly capable of doing that. You just have to accept that you ARE ALLOWED to stop, go back and correct yourself, play the chord three times in a row, do separate hands, and so on. Nobody told me I wasn't allowed to do that when I spent five years going from grade 1 to grade 6 with no piano teacher (OK, I had a cello teacher and a theory teacher).
So next time anyone tells you that sight-reading HAS to mean you must play through without stopping, just tell them "not necessarily"
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I'm still heredave brum wrote:Christ, it's quiet on here without Marlow's answer to Liberace. Or has the Lounge finally expired and I am resigned to idly chit chatting with myself?? Gizzy, rescue us.

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Sitting quietly in a corner with a hat over your eyes, surreptitiously taking down every word and muttering "vairrrry interessting..." once in a whileFeg wrote:I'm still heredave brum wrote:Christ, it's quiet on here without Marlow's answer to Liberace. Or has the Lounge finally expired and I am resigned to idly chit chatting with myself?? Gizzy, rescue us.
You've just reminded me I need to ring my piano tuner (he who you recommended to me) as mine is going a bit twangy at the top end. Will need to move the audience off first
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/719 ... dience.jpg
Gizzy in Cambridge
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
All of my musical exploits last Wednesday with Gill are now live on my Youtube channel:
Sent similar link to Mabel....
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Moonlight (remember her) had a cat that was very keen on sitting atop her polished piano!Gill the Piano wrote: My friend keeps a card which I gave her when she bought her new piano; it says NOTHING TO BE PLACED ON TOP OF THIS PIANO. NOT A THING. ZIPPO. ZERO. NOT EVER. NO EXCEPTIONS.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Doesn't seem like one week since I went to Marlow! I suppose anyone can just break into these country churches and have a play, providing they know where the keys are. In Birmingham, churches are locked (that goes for affluent villages in north Worcs/Warks also) due to metal thieves pinching the organ pipes and melting them down.
I have to admit having the church organ bug now!
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
If budding organists can't get to play on these things, what hope is there for a new generation of church organists to replace the dying generation of them that is causing the organist shortages??
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

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Jesus before Roman Council/Sanhedrin comes to mind.
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

Re: Random thoughts or comments...
I know of two churches in this area of town that Fanny plays at, and therefore would be no-go zones for me and my wife. I wonder if David Urquhart (Anglican Bishop of Birmingham) knows there is at least one organist playing in his churches with the same odious and intimidatory qualities as 'Gripper Stebson' in Grange Hill?
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
My Dad played at St John's in Glastonbury for a couple of years - four manuals and a big enough instrument to do guided tours inside. He fell downstairs and broke his right arm (he was left handed, luckily) and after just one week off he was back in church accompanying with one hand, two feet and judicious use of couplers.Gill the Piano wrote:Most budding organists should choose a nice friendly church. Where a budding organist might get their arm torn off if they asked to play...if that weren't too counterproductive.
Re: Random thoughts or comments...
What's a coupler? Is that the 'great to swell' 'great to pedal' stops that enable both manuals to be amalgamated??
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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »
Gizzy, what a lovely church to play in! Even with one arm....

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Re: Random thoughts or comments...
Post by Gill the Piano »

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