1918 6ft Bluthner grand - slow action?

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1918 6ft Bluthner grand - slow action?

Post by sysfx »

Dear moderator and participants,

Thanks for maintaining this interesting forum. For people living in distant countries, it is probably the best place to seek for help and informed opinions.

We are newcomers, seeking for advice on the first piano we ever bought, motivated by a fast developing 10 year old piano student - our daughter.

To shorten the story, our family purchased a Bluthner 1918 6ft piano which seemed to be a bargain. The piano needs some restoration and a local specialist is handling the works.

Our concern is the specialit's information that this piano has an old action system that limits the maximum execution speed, which is a bit solwer then that allowed by a modern action mechanism.

This professional was highly recommended by one of the best, oldest and more respected concertists in the country (Paraguay), so we thrust the information is accurate. However, we need more information in order to evaluate its implications. Our doubts are:

1) How important is this speed limitation for an initiant student? Will we need to upgrade soon?

2) How much does this limitation afects price? We paid USD 2.000,00 for the piano and will pay another USD 600,00 for the restoration, a total equivalent to GBP 1.420,00.

3) When (and if) our daughter's speed surpasses that of the old action, will it make more sense to install a new action or to spend it in another piano?

4) Is there anything else we should know?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Luiz Schechter / Emilia Vera de Schechter
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Re: 1918 6ft Bluthner grand - slow action?

Post by Barrie Heaton »

sysfx wrote:Dear moderator and participants,

To shorten the story, our family purchased a Bluthner 1918 6ft piano which seemed to be a bargain. The piano needs some restoration and a local specialist is handling the works.

Our concern is the specialit's information that this piano has an old action system that limits the maximum execution speed, which is a bit solwer then that allowed by a modern action mechanism.
That is not true the patented Bluthner action is lighter and is just as responsive as a modern action when set up correct the problem is a lot of tuners don’t know how to regulate them correct However, they do tend to drift on checking as the wires are a tad thin other that that no problems

Your tuner may like this info


Advice on how to produce a good touch on the
Bluthner Action in a Bluthner Grand

The necessary operations must be carried out strictly in the following order.
The fitting of the BLUTHNER?action is based on a touch depth of 9 mm and on a hammer blow of 45 mm.

1. The hammer flange screws should be tightened.
The hammer heads must then be spaced exactly on the strings.

2. Setting up. The jack must be so adjusted, by means of the carriage which is screwed on to the key, that it drops quite easily under the nose of the abstract. The guide?pin of the abstract must be straight and vertical

3. Set off. The hammers should release 1,3 mm from the steel strings and half string thickness from the bass strings? The set?off screws for this adjustment are situated on the hammer rest rail.

4. Touch. Contrary to the ERARD action, the touch is made quite firm. The key is depressed slowly on to the touch baize, after which the hammer should continue to rise 1 mm, till it releases, so that it checks only on striking the key strongly. (No after?touch).

5. Checks. The checks should be adjusted at a slightly greater angle than on the ERARD action. The check point is 24 mm above the normal hammer tail line.

6. Drop. The right-angled repetition spring which controls the drop should have a thickness of 0,85 mm in treble, 0,95 mm in the middle range and 1 mm in the bass; the guide pin of the abstract must move easily in the bridge leathers so that the abstract drops of its own weight. The repetition springs must move freely in the abstract felt clips and by pressure of either side of the right?angle spring, the drop is controlled. The hammer head should release 3 mm from the steel strings.

7, It is now necessary again to check the touch throughout.

8. The dampers should lift when the keys are half depressed.

9. The damper shade-rail must be adjusted in such a way that when depressing the sharps, is very little play.

10. The coiled spring which is attached to the abstract should in the normal position of the key not rest on the jack, but remain about 3 mm from it. A even touch is of the greatest importance.

Bluthner patented action photo

1. Hammer flange screw
2. Whippen
3. jack
4. Abstract
5. Hammer shank
6. Hammer rest rail
7. Abstract pin
8. Set off dolly
9. Abstract spring
10. jack spring

http://www.uk-piano.org/forums-photos/b ... action.jpg
Barrie Heaton
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Post by sysfx »


We can not thank you enough for the information!
I will send it to the specialist and then post his reaction.

Luiz Schechter
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Thanks again!

Post by sysfx »


After I sent the tuning guide to the local specialist he said that it was amazing that I managed to obtain it so fast. He had tried in the past with the factory and other sources and never obtained anything.

In order to check this, I wrote to the factory either. My first message was replied by Dr. Bluthner himself, recommending the services of their US company. A further request for tuning instructions or any available information about the instruments remained unanswared to date, but he may have mailed something and it takes some time to arrive.

Anyway, the information you were so kind to offer is precious and will be used to adjust at least three pianos in this country. As ourselves, the local specialist is in debt with you and this forum.

Thanks again!
Luiz Schechter
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Success report and factory setup instructions

Post by sysfx »


Today our piano is ready and playing beautifully!

I requested confirmation from the German factory of the technical advice you were so kind to provide and the technician did the same on his own, apparently addressing the UK company.

Although Bluthner did not reply to me this time, the technician received a new set of instructions with slight differences in measurement. The technician tried both and preferred the factory recommendations.

Coincidently (perhaps as a consequence?), Bluthner UK made their instructions available in their website. Just follow the link http://www.bluthners.co.uk/bluthner/setup.html

For your convenince, a transcription follows:


The fitting of the Blüthner-action is based on a touch-depth of 9,4 mm and on a hammer-blow of 45 mm.

1. The hammer-flange screws should be tightened. The hammer-heads must then be spaced exactly on the strings.

2. Setting-up
The jacks can be adjusted by means of the carriage which is screwed on the key It should fall quite easily under the nose on the abstract. The guide-pin of the abstract must be straight and vertical.

3. Set-off
The hammers should release 1,5 mm from the steel strings and half string thickness from the bass strings. The set-off screws for this adjustment are situated on the hammer rest rail.

4. Touch
Contrary to the ERARD action, the jack should be released from under the nose of the abstract when the key is lightly pressed on the touch baize. No after touch is necessary.

5. Checks
The hammers should be checked 24 mm above the hammer rest . The surface of the check is adjusted parallel to the hammer tail.

6. Drop
The right-angled repetition spring which controls the drop should have a thickness of 0,85 mm in treble, 0,95 mm in the middle range and 1 mm in the bass; the guide pin of the abstract must move freely in the bridge leather so that the abstract drops by its own weight. The repetition springs must move freely in the abstract felt clips .By bending the spring forward or back the tension is altered which controls the drop. The hammer head should drop to 3 mm from the steel strings.

7. Now the touch has to be checked again.

8. The dampers should lift when the keys are depressed 5 mm.

9. The height of the damper shade-rail should allow 1 mm play for the dampers when the white keys are depressed.

10. When the key is in rest position the leather button on the coiled spring which is attached to the abstract should be at 3 mm distance to the jack.

A even touch is of the greatest importance.


Thanks, once again, for your assistance!
All the best,
Luiz Schechter
Luiz Schechter
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Post by Barrie Heaton »

Thanks for the updated version

Enjoy your piano and look after it

Barrie Heaton
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Post by Pablo Romero »

Hola Luiz:
Soy de España y acabo de comprar un Blüthner de 1916,y creo que le pasa entre otras muchas cosas que no vienen al caso de momento lo que le pasaba al tuyo: tiene la máquina tan mal ajustada que apenas produce sonido al golpear la cuerda.
He hechado un vistazo a lo que habéis puesto en el foro el moderador y tú y es genial,pero la mayoría de las cosas no las entiendo,por el inglés.Y sobretodo porque no sé q qué partes se refiere cada vez.
¿Serías tan amable de traducir al castellano tanto las instrucciones de ajuste como las partes del dibujo de la maquinaria Blüthner? Me harías muy feliz si pudiera hacer sonar a este gran piano...
Muchas gracias por adelantado.
Un saludo.
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Post by sysfx »


Creo que tengo en casa una traducción de las instrucciones iniciales, con medidas mínimamente diferentes de las ultimas recibidas de la fabrica. Como no soy técnico en el tema y el Castellano no es mi primer idioma (soy Brasilero), me resulta dificil traducir adecuadamente los nombres de las piezas del mecanismo. Sin embargo, creo que el dibujo compensará esta deficiencia.

Otra información que me parece que te resultará útil es el email del técnico local, quien consiguió las instrucciones actualizadas e hizo un excelente trabajo. El podrá ayudarte mucho más que yo - y su Castellano será de mejor calidad :-)

Ahora mismo te escribo desde mi trabajo porque la computadora de casa se está reparando. Enviaré la traducción y el email del técnico cuando la tenga en condiciones, ya que toda la información está en ella. Para esto, sería útil tener vuestro email para contacto. El mio es sysfx@yahoo.com

Atentos saludos,
Luiz Schechter
Luiz Schechter
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Post by Barrie Heaton »

Vea la foto para el nombre de las piezas
See the photo for the name of the parts

1. Hammer flange screw
2. Whippen
3. jack
4. Abstract
5. Hammer shank
6. Hammer rest rail
7. Abstract pin
8. Set off dolly
9. Abstract spring
10. jack spring

http://www.uk-piano.org/forums-photos/b ... action.jpg
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Instrucciones para ajustar la acción de un Bluthner antiguo

Post by sysfx »

Conforme prometido, sigue la traducción de las instrucciones. En caso de dudas, sugiero escribirle al técnico: 'mygpianos@latinmail.com' o 'mygpiano@latinmail.com'

Traducido de las instrucciones del fabricante, copiadas de la pagina http://www.bluthners.co.uk/bluthner/setup.html

El ajuste de la acción del BLUTHNER esta basada en una profundidad de toque de 9 mm y un golpe del martillo de 45 mm.

Los tornillos del flange del martillo deben ser apretados. Luego, las cabezas de los martillos deben ser espaciadas exactamente sobre las cuerdas.

Preparación (“setting-up”) - El “jack” debe ser ajustado, a través del conductor que va atornillado a la tecla, para que caiga bien fácilmente bajo la nariz del “abstract”. El pino guía del “abstract” debe ser derecho y vertical.

Ajuste (“set off”) - Los martillos deben alejarse 1,3 mm de los resortes de acero y la mitad del ancho de cuerda de las cuerdas de tono bajo. Los tornillos de reglaje para este ajuste están situados en el riel de apoyo del martillo.

Toque (“Touch”) - Contrariamente a la acción ERARD, el “jack” debe soltarse de debajo de la nariz del “abstract” cuando la tecla es levemente presionada en el “touch baize”. Ningún toque posterior (“after touch”) es necesario.

“Checks” - Los martillos deben ser ajustaos 24 mm arriba de su descanso. La superficie del “check” es ajustada paralela a la cola del martillo.

Caída (“drop”) - El resorte de repetición en ángulo recto que controla la caída debe tener un espesor de 0,85 mm en agudos, 0,95 mm en los medios y 1 mm en los bajos; el pino guía del “abstract” debe moverse libremente en los cueros del puente para que el “abstract” baje por su propio peso. Los resortes de repetición deben moverse libremente en los pinches (clips) de los fieltros del “abstract”. Flexionando el resorte para adelante o para tras la tensión que controla la caída es alterada. La cabeza del martillo debe alejarse 3 mm de las cuerdas de acero.

Ahora es necesario revisar nuevamente todo el toque.

Los atenuadores deben subir cuando las teclas están apretadas 5 mm.

La altura del riel-sombra del atenuador debe permitir un juego de 1mm para los atenuadores cuando las teclas blancas son presionadas.

Cuando la tecla esta en posición de descanso, el botón de cuero del resorte espiral que queda prendido al “abstract” debe quedar a 3 mm de distancia del “jack”.

Un toque suave es de máxima importancia.

Luiz Schechter
Pablo Romero
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Re: Instrucciones para ajustar la acción de un Bluthner anti

Post by Pablo Romero »

Muchísimas gracias, Luiz.
Voy a ponerlo en práctica en cuanto pueda y ya te contaré.Imagino que las palabras que siguen en inglés no tiene traducción,no?
Me parece fantástico que te hayas molestado de tan lejos en contestarme.Muchas gracias, de verdad.
Un saludo.
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Palabras sin traducción

Post by sysfx »

Spanish version:


Si, hay piezas del piano cuya traducción desconozco y también es posible que tradujera mal una o otra expresión técnica. Por favor tengas en cuenta que no soy tecnico en pianos y también mi limitación en Castellano, idioma que no es el mio.

En caso de duda con los términos, consulte el dibujo y su leyenda en el mensaje de Barrie Heaton o, mejor todavía, consulte con el técnico Enrique a través del email que informé.

La belleza de Internet es que la distancia pierde importancia. El concepto es ayudar a quienes necesitan, exactamente como este foro me ayudó cuando lo necesité. No hay nada que agradecerme: basta con ayudar a otro cuando la oportunidad se de.

Buena suerte!

English translation:


Yes, there are piano part names for which the exact translations are unknown to me and it is also possible that I made mistakes while translating some of the technical expressions. Please consider that I am not a piano technician, as well as my limitations in Spanish (and English), which are not my own language.

In case of doubt with the parts, I suggest you consult the drawing and legend posted by Barrie Heaton in this thread, or, better yet, consult with the technician Enrique using the email I provided.

The beauty of Internet is that distance means nothing. The concept is to help those who need - as this forum helped me when I needed. There's no need to thank me: just help someone else when the opportunity appears.

Good luck!
Luiz Schechter
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