Glad to hear you're on the mend Dave but don't sight read better than me,it was great having someone worse lol

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Moderators: Feg, Gill the Piano
Post by OneHandOnly »
Post by classic-keyboard »
Post by Gill the Piano »
Post by classic-keyboard »
Have a look at the Trinity College syllabus as an alternative to ABRSM. Sight reading is an option not compulsory and you could choose improvisation instead!classic-keyboard wrote:I'm glad I came across this thread. In a few weeks time I'll have a decent piano again and I'll be re-learning after many years. Sight reading was always my problem. I passed grades 1-3 (as a child 40+ years ago) easily; scraped through 4 by the skin of my teeth getting bascially 0 on sight reading and my teacher at the time told me not to bother going any further unless I learned to read. Instead, I gave up lessons altogether and went on to play keyboards in a jazz rock band...
40 years later I still have a pathological fear of sight reading. I simply can't do it. Being able to improvise actually makes it worse; I can't stop myself making it up as I go along!
Post by Gill the Piano »
You can only avoid sight-reading until grade 5 and after that - wallop! I have one working slowly towards grade 6 TG and I wonder if she'll ever take it. She can sight-read after a fashion, as I didn't let her get away with not reading while she was not being examined in it, but g6 level is still a long way above her.Gill the Piano wrote:God, improvisation - now that would terrify me!
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