My aunt has left me her Ronisch grand piano. I know that she used to play it in 50's - 60's, so it should be older than that.
I looked for a serial or a model number on every spot of it, but could not find one. So I tried to make out the production year and model by comparing to the ones I saw on the web. By design, It looks post-1930 but I couldn't find a similiar interior design to make out the model name.
As seen on the pictures, mine has one embossed logo (a circle with 3 lions in it) and 'Ronisch' on the metal plate. Other ones I saw on the web have 3 embossed circles. Does it make mine a lower model? or a limited run maybe?
I'm no expert on pianos, but I'm a 10 years electric guitar player who loves classical music and also jazz/fusion & blues.
I'm new at this forum. I though this could be interesting share. I can comment on the tone after it is tuned and set-up next week
What do you think about this one? Any ideas about the year or model?
I've sent a mail to the company for info, but they did not return.
