I think the question of tone is, perhaps, worthy of a thread in itself.Exactly! Its the touch gradations that a clavinova just can't do!
I wonder if there are beginners trying to reproduce all the nuances of a piece as they have heard it on CD,
only to find themselves frustrated and failing to do so because tonal gradations are not reproducible on their digital pianos?
A worse scenario is in failing to realise the problem lies with the instrument and not with the player!
Though I'm familiar with the tone controls of radios and televisions, I cannot quite grasp the concept of tone control on an acoustic piano - I have never played one.
An explanation of what is an acoustic piano tone, and how it is achieved, to those of us using digital, may well be as difficult as explaining the concept of colour to somebody born blind, but it should help us to recognise the limitations of our digital instruments and that, perhaps, the time has come to move over to an acoustic.