Search found 232 matches

by Geminoz
27 Sep 2005, 06:10
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Exercises for Accuracy in piano playing
Replies: 7
Views: 12098

Good for you, but don't set a time limit on yourself. learning to play is a lifelong journey, which should be pleasurable, if somewhat frustrating at times, but DON'T EVER give up if it's something you want to do. I can appreciate the difficulties with ankle biters around, especially while having le...
by Geminoz
20 Sep 2005, 12:47
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: piano music
Replies: 1
Views: 5146

sounds like you have a natural ear for music...and playing by ear can be a lot of fun, but it's even better when you can learn to play from music, so why not have some lessons and discover just how good you could be. :) If your friend's mum is a piano teacher, maybe she could get you started.
by Geminoz
18 Sep 2005, 07:46
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: looking!!
Replies: 9
Views: 11133

You are right, as usual,'s much more fun being silly and immature :lol:
by Geminoz
18 Sep 2005, 07:43
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Exercises for Accuracy in piano playing
Replies: 7
Views: 12098

Oh a dozen a day....I had forgotten about them....I think I may still have them somewhere in amongst my forest of music....much of it from the dark ages...I should get them out and do them too.... :roll: Franny...please don't give up....there is a teacher out there who is right for you and will make...
by Geminoz
17 Sep 2005, 14:11
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: looking!!
Replies: 9
Views: 11133

oh dear...we'll be in trouble again :wink: and here was I trying to be mature and intelligent :twisted:
by Geminoz
16 Sep 2005, 12:10
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: looking!!
Replies: 9
Views: 11133

This phenomenon of time warp seems to be occuring more often. I can only tell you that when it happened to me... I had a topic open and was reading posts. Another post appeared while I was reading and I replied to that post. When it came through my reply was ahead of the post, so I figure the person...
by Geminoz
16 Sep 2005, 11:58
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Exercises for Accuracy in piano playing
Replies: 7
Views: 12098

As a kid scales were the be all and end all :roll: ...and I did them religiously for years....if I slacked off at any time I heard about it....I had many years where I did little more than fiddle around occasionally, but now am back to playing and enjoying it....I am not having lessons as I am findi...
by Geminoz
13 Sep 2005, 08:17
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: shining up the ole' hardware
Replies: 7
Views: 10908

and people actually eat that stuff??? :shock:
by Geminoz
11 Sep 2005, 13:01
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Sight-reading in Associated Board exams
Replies: 28
Views: 36030

ooooh I'm scared stiff...shaking in me boots I am :twisted:
by Geminoz
11 Sep 2005, 09:20
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Sight-reading in Associated Board exams
Replies: 28
Views: 36030

Think it was 'cause I had the page open when your reply came through and I posted mine before closing and re-opening the page...but then I could be wrong...cause I'm just an old hack who is silly and infantile, so I couldn't possible know such things. Acutally I am an old hack (retired journalist) :...
by Geminoz
10 Sep 2005, 15:41
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Sight-reading in Associated Board exams
Replies: 28
Views: 36030

how did that happen...the posts are back to front :?
by Geminoz
10 Sep 2005, 15:39
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Sight-reading in Associated Board exams
Replies: 28
Views: 36030

:roll: yeah we can be silly and infantile all we like in the corner :wink:
by Geminoz
10 Sep 2005, 12:51
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Sight-reading in Associated Board exams
Replies: 28
Views: 36030

Good grief :roll: oh I do, I do, I do know the difference :D sit on a piano stool in front of an instrument and make music... you sit at a bar stool with a glass in your hand and bend your elbow ...both are equally enjoyable. Since when is a bit of levity a crime? :x ...there is no call to b...
by Geminoz
08 Sep 2005, 23:52
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Visitors to the Uk Piano Page
Replies: 8
Views: 11430

There I go again showing my ignorance :oops: Would be a crying shame to lose the forum :cry: it's so informative and helps so many people :) so let's hope that never happens.
by Geminoz
08 Sep 2005, 10:28
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Visitors to the Uk Piano Page
Replies: 8
Views: 11430

What you worried about Barrie...there are 24 hours in a day and you don't have to sleep you know :twisted:
It's great so many people are finding out about the best site on the net. :D
by Geminoz
07 Sep 2005, 12:21
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Knight + Renner for 4000 pounds - Is this good?
Replies: 20
Views: 23565

Thank you PG for your informative reply :D that's something else I've learned in my dotage.
As for the bill,'ll have to find me first :twisted:
by Geminoz
06 Sep 2005, 13:57
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Knight + Renner for 4000 pounds - Is this good?
Replies: 20
Views: 23565

scuse my ignorance :? but what the dickens is a practice pedal...and what is its function?? I have to say I have never had a piano with one. Obviously they are not in favour with you guys, but I would still like to know...I feel like such an ignoramus on here sometimes :oops: You all have so much kn...
by Geminoz
05 Sep 2005, 11:34
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Kemmler Osnabruck
Replies: 20
Views: 31602

And here I was thinking us Aussies (well after 47 years here I am one of them now) were the uncouth lot :roll:
by Geminoz
04 Sep 2005, 14:31
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Kemmler Osnabruck
Replies: 20
Views: 31602

That'd be Murphys Law just about everyone else in the world I have come up against it at various times in life :?
by Geminoz
03 Sep 2005, 13:51
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: new C3
Replies: 7
Views: 10486

That would make it 9am here.....perfect time for playing a brand new piano. :twisted:
by Geminoz
03 Sep 2005, 13:45
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: advice please
Replies: 2
Views: 6634

Past it at 33??? :shock: If you are past it then I am Metheusela :roll: We are not past anything until we are pushing up daisies. Even at my age the old brain still functions.....well sometimes :wink: Go for it :!:
by Geminoz
01 Sep 2005, 13:04
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: A discussion on cracks in a sound board
Replies: 6
Views: 10942

Thank you Barrie for the link to a very interesting article on soundboards. :D
by Geminoz
01 Sep 2005, 12:54
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: An old piano???
Replies: 16
Views: 19325

Oh I won't....'cause it's me who would have to foot the repair bill, :roll: besides don't think my old fingers would manage the Black And White Rag these days :cry:
by Geminoz
31 Aug 2005, 14:16
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: An old piano???
Replies: 16
Views: 19325

Oh I loved her.... :) and she was the reason I took the front off...I was actually attempting to play the Black and White Rag at the ripe old age of 9 :roll: without much success I might add. I had been led astray by a much older cousin (21) and he didn't get rapped over the knuckles for taking the ...
by Geminoz
30 Aug 2005, 13:54
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: An old piano???
Replies: 16
Views: 19325

oh thank goodness :lol: ...I don't think mine has one of those thingymigigs...mine is just old and has had a hard life till I got hold of it and gave it some TLC. I have to admit the knowledge you people possess is awesome. My knowledge is limited to knowing a piano has keys, strings, pins and thing...
by Geminoz
30 Aug 2005, 13:45
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Wurlitzer piano
Replies: 16
Views: 20850

Nope...I have never played a Wurlitchmacallit....didn't even know they made pianos :oops: an axe just seemed the more economical option :twisted:
by Geminoz
29 Aug 2005, 13:17
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: An old piano???
Replies: 16
Views: 19325

PG..are you going to vent your spleen on John Brinsmead now???.. :shock: I do hope not.....mine is very close to my heart :wink: and my tuner had no problems with it :)
by Geminoz
29 Aug 2005, 13:13
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Network of piano inspectors
Replies: 14
Views: 20925

Sometimes Gill, ignorance is least our minds are not clogged up with all that alpha/numerical stuff :roll:
by Geminoz
29 Aug 2005, 13:04
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Wurlitzer piano
Replies: 16
Views: 20850

You can afford a gallon of petrol???? :roll: tuning must be lucrative :wink: We have litres that would be 1 litre = approx 2 pints...and if I remember my English education correctly there are 8 pints in a that's approx 4 litres of liquid gold.......An axe and some muscle power ...
by Geminoz
20 Aug 2005, 12:23
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: eBay
Replies: 18
Views: 20812

"poignant and moving", "mysterious and opaque" :? What planet are you guys from?? According to my Thesaurus.... Poignant: (1)bitter, distressful, heartbreaking, intense, irritating, keen, pointed, sarcastic, severe; (2)acrid, biting, caustic, penetrating, piercing, pungent, sharp...
by Geminoz
17 Aug 2005, 12:28
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Yamaha U1 new or used, "US seasoned" good for Euro
Replies: 11
Views: 10697

Barrie...are you phsycic? :? How can you answer Gill's question before she asked it??
I know I am 8 hours ahead of you guys here...but even with that I'm not that good. :wink:
by Geminoz
16 Aug 2005, 13:28
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: The past, present, and future of piano study
Replies: 6
Views: 9500

You got that right. :(
When I was teaching my grandchildren it was a constant battle to try to get them to practice. :x
When we moved to the west coast last year I left them my piano in the hope it would encourage them to continue playing.....but I won't hold my breath.
by Geminoz
15 Aug 2005, 02:43
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: The past, present, and future of piano study
Replies: 6
Views: 9500

I think one of the problems with children learning to play the piano (or not) is the fact that parents these don't give the time to ensure they keep it up, and maybe their tolerance level for their little darlings' bashing wrong notes is very low. You are right Gill (when are you ever wrong :wink: )...
by Geminoz
14 Aug 2005, 12:29
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Used farm tractors
Replies: 11
Views: 14555

hmmm.... pm'd sounds nasty.....that should fix him :twisted: hope I never get pm'd :?
by Geminoz
13 Aug 2005, 14:09
Forum: Piano History
Topic: John Brinsmead & Son player piano
Replies: 1
Views: 2595

I guess it depends where you are located Merryn....I am south of Perth and have found a very good tuner/technician in my area.
Why not look in yellow pages, that's where I found mine....or check out the ads in local newspapers.
by Geminoz
13 Aug 2005, 14:03
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Concert pitch and tuning
Replies: 39
Views: 39670

Would love to see that film Gill...get your memory cells working.
Aussie sense of just gotta love it. :twisted:
by Geminoz
12 Aug 2005, 13:00
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Concert pitch and tuning
Replies: 39
Views: 39670

Oh Gill you are baaaaaaaad :lol:
by Geminoz
12 Aug 2005, 12:57
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: eBay
Replies: 18
Views: 20812

Another old adage worth remembering: "Let the buyer beware". :wink:
by Geminoz
12 Aug 2005, 12:53
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Used farm tractors
Replies: 11
Views: 14555

hmmmmmmm you could be right Gill, specially mine when I'm playing it. :roll:
by Geminoz
11 Aug 2005, 13:56
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Used farm tractors
Replies: 11
Views: 14555

:roll: :roll: What next :?: :?:
You think we need a tractor to move our pianos??
Get real....this is a piano site. :x
Some people will try anything. :evil:
by Geminoz
11 Aug 2005, 05:18
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Concert pitch and tuning
Replies: 39
Views: 39670

Thanks for the info Gill. I will leave my piano tuning to the experts. :wink: I have visions getting my fingers caught, strings snapping all over the place, probably injuring some part of my anatomy in the process. :roll: If a computer wants to tune my piano...let it do the whole job. :twisted: Blin...
by Geminoz
11 Aug 2005, 05:11
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: eBay
Replies: 18
Views: 20812

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Anyone seriously interested in buying that piano on ebay would have injured themselves while rolling around on the floor laughing and when recovered from that....fallen asleep while attempting to wade through the rest of it. :roll: I wonder how much it cost the seller to wax ...
by Geminoz
10 Aug 2005, 15:03
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Concert pitch and tuning
Replies: 39
Views: 39670

Me again :lol: I would love to be able to tune my own piano...and if the software proved successful would probably give it a go.....but....I am a bit worried about the hammer and wedge bit :? ....could you please elaborate. My ear has always been capable of tuning now...but I would be terrified that...
by Geminoz
09 Aug 2005, 14:07
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Concert pitch and tuning
Replies: 39
Views: 39670

Hi..going to put my 2 cents worth in here even though I know nothing about the technicalities involved in tuning. But I do know a good musical ear is invaluable.....we listen to music (whether playing or just enjoying listening) with our ears. Our ears tell us when something doesn't sound right. Com...
by Geminoz
16 Jul 2005, 04:35
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Sight-reading in Associated Board exams
Replies: 28
Views: 36030

Ooooooooooooh deary me....I just tried closing my eyes.....lost my balance and nearly fell off the stool :twisted:
by Geminoz
14 Jul 2005, 13:19
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Sight-reading in Associated Board exams
Replies: 28
Views: 36030

Is closing your eyes necessary to feel the music... :roll: ...I think not. I play (albeit not in the same class as many who contribute to this forum), by reading music, by memory(although in my dotage the memory is not so good these days :( ) and also by ear (in a variety of keys :wink: ) I enjoy pl...
by Geminoz
08 Jul 2005, 04:56
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: If the price are the same, kawai or yamaha which is better?
Replies: 45
Views: 68978

Sheesh you guys...get a life.... :evil: not everyone wants their identity made public....that doesn't mean their opinions are invalid.
BTW I prefer Pepsi.. :wink:
by Geminoz
04 Jul 2005, 04:39
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Where can I learn/study piano tuning & repair?
Replies: 18
Views: 23669

postal course??....Don't think piano would fit through letter box :twisted:
by Geminoz
26 Jun 2005, 15:36
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Plans for UK schools to affect private piano teachers???
Replies: 7
Views: 11040

Thank you for the clarification....I was born and raised in England in that era and have no recollection of the term...guess I was a tad too young.. :wink:
by Geminoz
25 Jun 2005, 12:08
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Plans for UK schools to affect private piano teachers???
Replies: 7
Views: 11040

ummmmm...uhhhhhhh....ummmmmmmm.....what's a little oik????? :? :?... old irish king???....obese ignorant kid????....objectionable insane kalaidescope??....odd italic keyboard... :? :?