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by Zagozzie
02 Mar 2007, 18:33
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bechstein model V regulation
Replies: 15
Views: 19147

Bechstein model V regulation

HiFumbler - tried to get the guy to come out - offered air fares and to put him up for a week - but apparently too busy.

by Zagozzie
02 Mar 2007, 18:31
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bechstein model V regulation
Replies: 15
Views: 19147

Bechstein model V regulation

Barrie - I took the action out again today - and wonder if you might be right about it al having moved - the piano sounded better when I pushed the action back in. but still terrible clatter. What the hell woud cause the hammer to be catching on the check again - two of them, in fact! But I have bee...
by Zagozzie
02 Mar 2007, 13:41
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bechstein model V regulation
Replies: 15
Views: 19147

Bechstein model V regulation

Barrie - no sideways movement at all - but a few of the checks seem to have moved forward catching the hammers on the way up again. The actions ir firm on the frame - but a hell of a lot of noise and from the action in movemnt, and - of course - uneven right through. Will let the sea breeze blow all...
by Zagozzie
02 Mar 2007, 10:29
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bechstein model V regulation
Replies: 15
Views: 19147

Barrie - thanks again - will take out the action and try and follow your instructons. This piano played well for an olden - before the work and te move out here - just had tired strings and needed new hammers. It's an old piano, of course, but it's soundboard is fine, and it remains full of life. Do...
by Zagozzie
01 Mar 2007, 11:02
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bechstein model V regulation
Replies: 15
Views: 19147

Tuna - thanks for your response - I am not happy about the standard of work here on Malta - a guy tuned for a concert for me a few weeks back - supposed to be THE one here - it was a Yamaha - big do with the President and invited guests. When I tried the piano it was not properly tuned - some badly ...
by Zagozzie
01 Mar 2007, 09:51
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bechstein model V regulation
Replies: 15
Views: 19147

Hi - I'm on Malta - Barrie - that's interesting about drying out - thought i might have been the opposite as its damp here during the winter months particularly
by Zagozzie
28 Feb 2007, 20:38
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bechstein model V regulation
Replies: 15
Views: 19147

Bechstein model V regulation

I recently had my model V Bechstein overhauled - rehammered and restrung - in England and had it shipped out to me. The restorer reckoned it one of the best Bechsteins he had ever worked on. But it arrived in unplayable state - a dozen or so hammers jamming in the treble - I had to adjust the checks...