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by Nyiregyhazi
21 Jul 2007, 22:27
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Piano movers Birmingham
Replies: 1
Views: 5084

Piano movers Birmingham


I was wondering if anyone can suggest a decent but cheap piano removal company around Birmingham? I have a Bluthner upright on a first floor that needs to be moved to a ground floor in a house not far away. What's the going rate for such a job?

by Nyiregyhazi
13 Jun 2007, 02:39
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Appassionata
Replies: 2
Views: 7254

No secrets really. It's just hard. A couple of things help though. Practise with a double dotted rhythm and big pauses. Sometime go from 3rd to octave, sometimes octave to third. Relax completely in between. You can gradually build up with a few extra notes and then stop dotting and just concentrate...
by Nyiregyhazi
15 May 2007, 22:03
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Pianos in flats
Replies: 8
Views: 13080

"On houses, the best ones to go for are the Terraced houses that have the front doors in groups of 2, then go for and end of Terrace. You then have the stairs on the inside wall and so will next door they are very quiet downstairs Normal layout is door window door window...., but on some it is ...
by Nyiregyhazi
15 May 2007, 18:18
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Pianos in flats
Replies: 8
Views: 13080

"and floors too, of course. Is it a new flat or an old house converted? Older properties can be thicker walled, but modern flats are (allegedly) subject to planning regs re soundproofing, so it's swings and roundabouts." Yeah, I don't know which is necessarily better but I can't help but f...
by Nyiregyhazi
15 May 2007, 16:16
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Pianos in flats
Replies: 8
Views: 13080

Pianos in flats

Hi. I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice on finding a place where I will safely be able to practise the piano without worrying about complaints. I've been living in a large 8 person house in Birmingham, with thick walls, where I've had nothing to worry about. However, I'm probably moving out ...
by Nyiregyhazi
08 Mar 2007, 02:37
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Minor scales
Replies: 7
Views: 15673

"of C. Music in minor keys is (usually) written in the key of its relative major. C minor is written in Eb, the three flats are the same in both keys." Well, it's not written in Eb really. It's written in C minor. They have the same key signature. That doesn't mean it's in Eb. They share i...
by Nyiregyhazi
07 Mar 2007, 01:22
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Misfiring hammers
Replies: 5
Views: 8879

[quote="Barrie Heaton"]Yes and No realigning the hammers is quite simple on a Bluthner overdamper. However, because you have Groves in the hammers that will cause you two problems - one if you line up the hammer to the string, the ridge of the grove will strike the string giving you an une...
by Nyiregyhazi
07 Mar 2007, 01:15
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Help! Running out of tuners!
Replies: 27
Views: 27619

Re: Help! Running out of tuners!

Tuner No4: The dog's doodahs. A real professional. Been in the business a long time. Spent three hours on the piano, voicing and tuning. Voicing much improved, but could still do with some work. Called last week to arrange another appointment. Said he'd call me back. Still waiting... Strike 4. Um, ...
by Nyiregyhazi
27 Feb 2007, 20:47
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Misfiring hammers
Replies: 5
Views: 8879

The hammer is aiming well to the side. I have a few with uneven gaps between hammers. There are two that tend to hit other notes and a couple of other 'dead' notes that I suspect are missing slightly and hitting the softer part of the hammer instead of the grooves. Is this is an easy one to fix? I'l...
by Nyiregyhazi
24 Feb 2007, 15:40
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Misfiring hammers
Replies: 5
Views: 8879

Misfiring hammers

I have two notes on my upright on which the hammers are setting off at the wrong angle. When played strongly they hit the next string slightly. Any simple solutions? There are a few other notes lacking depth of tone I think are probable doing a similar thing and hitting on soft, unused part of the h...
by Nyiregyhazi
24 Feb 2007, 15:36
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Sticking hammer
Replies: 3
Views: 6888

Hi, Sorry for not replying before. What part would you need to see exactly and from what angle? From looking at it closely, I can't see anything that looks likely to be revealing. My piano is an old over-damped Bluthner. I can't see anything that immediately looks different from any other notes and ...
by Nyiregyhazi
09 Feb 2007, 19:27
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Muscle cramps and Tendonitis
Replies: 4
Views: 11026

Re: Muscle cramps and Tendonitis

"I've been playing the piano for over 50 years, and now have time to play and practise regularly. I have gone back to the Jeffrey Tankard exercises in his book piano technique on an hour a day. I sit at the piano at the height I always have with curled fingers (holding an imaginary orange, as t...
by Nyiregyhazi
09 Feb 2007, 19:01
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Sticking hammer
Replies: 3
Views: 6888

Sticking hammer

Hi, The piece of material had come off one of the hammers on my piano, but the key generally worked fine anyway. Anyway, I thought I'd try to fix it so earlier today I opened it up and managed to put the thing back together, but since then the hammer is sticking against the string when I play loudly...
by Nyiregyhazi
02 Feb 2007, 02:05
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: material
Replies: 2
Views: 5560

It's a bridle tape; you can get the tuner to do it next time, but in the meanwhile you can effect a lash-up with a bit of elastoplast to replace the little bit of leather that's dropped to bits, and making a hole for the bridle wire with a gimlet or somesuch. The wire is an open loop; if you look c...
by Nyiregyhazi
02 Feb 2007, 02:00
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Action regulation
Replies: 14
Views: 20181

If the hammers do not "follow" the rest rail there is not sufficient lost-motion and the jacks will not reliably return under the jacks, if at all. Otherwise, you only need be concerned about excessive lost-motion, which will ruin the touch and cause "bobbling" hammers which fai...
by Nyiregyhazi
01 Feb 2007, 23:41
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Action regulation
Replies: 14
Views: 20181

"No just the keys - that is how we do other types like were you just have a screw covered with box cloth, unless of course yours is a tied action but then you don’t need an angular screw driver just a 8” long one" Sorry, I see now. I haven't taken the keys out before, but I can see how it ...
by Nyiregyhazi
01 Feb 2007, 02:51
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: material
Replies: 2
Views: 5560


Hi. I have a problem on two keys. On one the bit of material that pulls the hammer back has come off the pin. On the other it has also ripped through from the hole. Is there any way I could sort this out myself, or should I get a tuner to take a look? Can the tear be repaired? I only just had my pia...
by Nyiregyhazi
01 Feb 2007, 02:46
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Action regulation
Replies: 14
Views: 20181

"I don't think Art Reblitz says anything about regulating rockers. Just be sure not to overtighten the screws as this old wood is brittle and easily broken. Best to loosen the back screw first and gradually tighten the front screw until there is a minimum of lost-motion. As for a screwdriver th...
by Nyiregyhazi
01 Feb 2007, 02:31
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Action regulation
Replies: 14
Views: 20181

A lot simpler to take each key out and adjust the screws and put it back less damaged screw heads than using an angle screw driver Wouldn't this make it quite difficult to set the level for each key in turn though? I'd have to keep taking the action in and out to check the levels, surely? Andrew
by Nyiregyhazi
23 Jan 2007, 19:15
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Need some advice for studying for exams : (
Replies: 4
Views: 9798

HK didn't ask if he SHOULD take Grade VIII, he asked the easiest way to go about it, given that his teacher is evidently not good enough to take a pupil on to the higher grades. Personally I agree with you, that exams are merely benchmarks and generally more for the teachers' benefit than the pupil...
by Nyiregyhazi
23 Jan 2007, 00:27
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Need some advice for studying for exams : (
Replies: 4
Views: 9798

Get the Grade VIII pieces on the CD, have a listen and decide which pieces you'd play best - NOT which ones you like best!! - and find yourself a decent teacher who can do Grade VIII. Your school MUST have a decent piano you can practise on - if not, it isn't much of a school! If it's a posh privat...
by Nyiregyhazi
15 Jan 2007, 04:12
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Restoring a grand, likely costs?
Replies: 12
Views: 21229

Re: Restoring a grand, likely costs?

Sounds like a massive gamble to me. When you buy a restored piano you know what is sounds like. When you get a piano and restore it for yourself, you're stuck with it, even if it sounds terrible. Even if it sounds good before any work, it might feasibly sound worse than before the work was done. Cha...
by Nyiregyhazi
14 Jan 2007, 17:13
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Action regulation
Replies: 14
Views: 20181

Action regulation

Any tips on adjusting the action on a old overdamped Bluthner upright? I understand that of the two screws I need to tighten the one at the back and loosen the one at the front, if the back one is already too tight to move. A number of keys have a gap before the hammer starts moving and I need to fi...
by Nyiregyhazi
12 Jan 2007, 01:09
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Replies: 9
Views: 16954


This is an old post and is no longer relevent as the matter was dealt with. I think that your potentially slanderous (or is libellous, when referring to unsubstantiated allegations about the professionalism of a major organisation on the internet?) accusations about 'identical' comments on these my...
by Nyiregyhazi
11 Jan 2007, 02:14
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Replies: 9
Views: 16954


Dynamics Are Perfect, But She Was Marked Down Below The Pass Mark. The Comments For Both Were Identical On The Assessment Sheets. How Can There Be Such A Difference And How Can The Two Have Identical Assessment Sheets? Capable players can often go badly wrong in exam situations and less talented pl...
by Nyiregyhazi
06 Jan 2007, 07:05
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: exercises -- what next? advice please
Replies: 9
Views: 18661

Also, it's good to practise scales with clear accents every four notes (and even MORE importantly a total 'unaccent' on the other notes). Notice that the highest note of the scale is NOT an accent here. Once this is mastered the next stage is to play scales without any accents all (the fours are sti...
by Nyiregyhazi
06 Jan 2007, 06:48
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: I am free - you are NOT ! You are brainwashed - I am not!
Replies: 12
Views: 22000

Re: "I am free - you are NOT! You are brainwashed - I a

"... for practicing techniques, you have hit it on the dot. Godowsky said to practice with alternating accents to no accent to negative accent, which means less than the non-accented, try various patterns, but always do their inverses so that your mind will be "free" to phrase and mak...
by Nyiregyhazi
06 Jan 2007, 06:15
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: exercises -- what next? advice please
Replies: 9
Views: 18661

Various people have written something called 'five finger exercises' that are basically all the same. You start on C major (C to G in both hands) and go to C minor then apply the key signature of the next key (D flat) before going to that key (next key along) and you just keep going. For a younger p...
by Nyiregyhazi
05 Jan 2007, 17:32
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: I am free - you are NOT ! You are brainwashed - I am not!
Replies: 12
Views: 22000

"My concern is that contemporary pianists and teachers DO NOT KNOW THIS WAY AT ALL !!! I want to inspire them to try, to overcome their fear of our warders and their lashes." Yeah, indeed. We certainly should hear this kind of thing more often. I agree that we are looking at things in a pr...
by Nyiregyhazi
04 Jan 2007, 21:10
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: I am free - you are NOT ! You are brainwashed - I am not!
Replies: 12
Views: 22000

Just one other thing about the recording of My way. I hope you'll forgive me for being critical, by the way. Let me assure you that it comes out of respect for your playing which is very good indeed. I enjoy the stronger off-beats very much in places and find them very expressive in places where the...
by Nyiregyhazi
04 Jan 2007, 20:47
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: I am free - you are NOT ! You are brainwashed - I am not!
Replies: 12
Views: 22000

"Thanks to Mr. Barrie Heaton (Web Master of this Forum), I uploaded a few of my Songs-Improvisations with exactly the (mentioned by you negatively) LEFT accentuation. I love to play like this for a change: it is my way to root out slavery from my musical mind and it works effectively in spite o...
by Nyiregyhazi
04 Jan 2007, 02:21
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: New School Piano
Replies: 17
Views: 21316

Re: New School Piano

[quote="Openwood"]I'm hoping to get the go-ahead to buy a new upright piano for a practice room in the school where I work. I reckon I might be able to spend up to £3000. I see from other posts that PianoGuy thinks highly of the Kawai K15. I'd like to avoid the brightness of Yama...
by Nyiregyhazi
03 Jan 2007, 19:28
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: I am free - you are NOT ! You are brainwashed - I am not!
Replies: 12
Views: 22000

Re: My answer to Andrew

'Thank you very much for your very deep-inside and interesting answer. Tell me please, what would you recommend for the person, who overdeveloped his Right and Left arm and leg, while the opposite arm and leg have practically no muscles and are just hanging from the body without any use? This is my ...
by Nyiregyhazi
03 Jan 2007, 07:26
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Replies: 4
Views: 10576


Georgina10 wrote::)Thank you for your advice, it makes sense. We will get a piano.
Pleased to hear it. Keyboards are no substitute in the long run.

by Nyiregyhazi
03 Jan 2007, 07:22
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: exercises -- what next? advice please
Replies: 9
Views: 18661

" If your daughter likes repetitive stuff and also to improve ones strength and dexterity get this book." I wouldn't recommend them at all. They are monotonous to the point of dulling all thinking and possibly ruining technique as a result. As far as the monotonous exercise go, beginning 5...
by Nyiregyhazi
03 Jan 2007, 07:13
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: I am free - you are NOT ! You are brainwashed - I am not!
Replies: 12
Views: 22000

Re: I am free - you are NOT ! You are brainwashed - I am not

Your comments are interesting, but I'm not particularly convinced by the effect of a Soviet Regime. It's universal in college systems of teaching, not specific to Russia. Teachers cannot teach individual ideas or much that is not explicitly stated in the score, without fear of looking bad in the edu...
by Nyiregyhazi
16 Dec 2006, 04:18
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Replies: 4
Views: 10576

Get a piano, if at all possible. Don't believe the crap that anyone tells you about keyboards. Even the best are totally inadequate. I have to teach on one in a school and half the stuff I describe to the student's is barely audible when I try to demonstrate it. You need a piano if you're ever going...
by Nyiregyhazi
10 Dec 2006, 02:46
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Nicotine removal and key cleaning
Replies: 5
Views: 8387

Re: Nocotine removal and key cleaning

The only way to get the Yellow out is by bleaching and the HP you need to use is 60 to 90 VOL and as you pointed out not for home use I heard that ivory naturally yellows and that if you take out the action and leave it in direct sunlight (in the summer) this can fix it. Is this true? I don't think ...
by Nyiregyhazi
08 Dec 2006, 15:37
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Cleaning a piano
Replies: 6
Views: 10454

Cleaning a piano

Does anyone have any advice on how to clean an old piano properly? I have an old Bluthner that is remarkably dirty inside. It looks like a complete wreck, but surprisingly it's in fantastic shape in terms of the sound and action. Anyway, does anyone have any tips on the best way to get inside and cl...
by Nyiregyhazi
05 Dec 2006, 21:30
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Will I ruin my son's music future forever?
Replies: 7
Views: 12820

Re: Will I ruin my son's music future forever?

If I think about how I'd have liked to learn when I was young, then I'd much rather have it based around simple composition and improvisation rather than learning songs from books. I'm not against learning to play other people's music, but would prefer it to be the thing to learn as a sideline, not ...
by Nyiregyhazi
05 Dec 2006, 21:30
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Will I ruin my son's music future forever?
Replies: 7
Views: 12820

Re: Will I ruin my son's music future forever?

If I think about how I'd have liked to learn when I was young, then I'd much rather have it based around simple composition and improvisation rather than learning songs from books. I'm not against learning to play other people's music, but would prefer it to be the thing to learn as a sideline, not ...
by Nyiregyhazi
05 Dec 2006, 20:49
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Will I ruin my son's music future forever?
Replies: 7
Views: 12820

Re: Will I ruin my son's music future forever?

"But if I looked for a teacher, would it be reasonable to expect a teacher to support my own viewpoint on making composition/improvisation the central part of teaching, since they will "know better" than me? Also, do people on this board agree or disagree with my thoughts on learning?...
by Nyiregyhazi
05 Dec 2006, 20:37
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Tuition Books v Private Lessons
Replies: 2
Views: 7861


Using a book alone can be dangerous. It may tell you all you need to know mentally in terms of reading music etc. but if you start with bad technique you will acquire habits that are soon programmed in. You will have to 'unlearn' bad technique before you can start learning what you need to progress....