Search found 151 matches

by David B
09 May 2013, 11:44
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Restoring an 1860's Broadwood Grand
Replies: 6
Views: 11655

Re: Restoring an 1860's Broadwood Grand

Can someone please elaborate on the soundboard crown issue?

As the ribs run from front to back, rather than diagonally, has is the crown created, and how can I "easily" tell if it is still there?
by David B
02 May 2013, 20:24
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Adding a silent option to a piano - any tips?
Replies: 8
Views: 19023

Re: Adding a silent option to a piano - any tips?

I can confirm that I bought this Gabor system off this site about two years ago, and fitted it myself. I just requires a bit of patience - it's fiddly and the video is not always that easy to follow.. But if you give yourself time - say a couple of hours for a couple of days, then it it worth the in...
by David B
28 Apr 2013, 21:39
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Restoring an 1860's Broadwood Grand
Replies: 6
Views: 11655

Re: Restoring an 1860's Broadwood Grand

Thanks Vernon, can you elaborate please?
by David B
28 Apr 2013, 17:44
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Restoring an 1860's Broadwood Grand
Replies: 6
Views: 11655

Restoring an 1860's Broadwood Grand

Hello again, I have an 1865 Broadwood "short" drawing room grand (which at 7'10, beggars the question how long a "long" drawing room grand might be :shock: ), which I want to restore in order to play music of the period. I can't really stretch to 10 grand at the moment, so was wo...
by David B
08 Feb 2013, 14:54
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Sending PMs
Replies: 1
Views: 8614

Sending PMs

Can someone tell me why my PMs sit in the outbox for days?
by David B
23 Aug 2012, 19:12
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: my piano help
Replies: 3
Views: 7656

Re: my piano help

ive just braught it
what, with money? :shock:
by David B
22 Aug 2012, 21:50
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please
Replies: 10
Views: 17899

Re: Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please

Ha, silence still from Pepe :shock: The family are probably still in shock that the piano papa bought 25 years ago isn't worth what they paid for it, or what that dealer in Milano that they found on the internet is asking :? There is a big piano showroom in Pescara - the stock must be worth 7 figure...
by David B
22 Aug 2012, 17:16
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Anyone for a little DIY?
Replies: 34
Views: 43622

Re: Anyone for a little DIY?

I still have them both :piano; :piano;
by David B
22 Aug 2012, 00:20
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please
Replies: 10
Views: 17899

Re: Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please

ok, update. I said that i would take the risk "as is" and pay 1,500 euro, or I want a professional (technical) report. he's gone off to lick his wounds (or consult with the family as he puts it) -further updates as the come... ....i think with a good tech though it will be a damned good pi...
by David B
21 Aug 2012, 23:20
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please
Replies: 10
Views: 17899

Re: Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please

Absolutely! your are peaching to the converted there! but that is not different if it's hot/cold, dry/humid...its the least that one can do for one's girl friend :P
by David B
21 Aug 2012, 20:20
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please
Replies: 10
Views: 17899

Re: Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please

OK, maybe I over egged the pudding on the tuning! It was out of tune in the way that I would expect from having been moved; i.e. bi and tri chords not in tune with themselves, rather than the whole thing being way out. I was listening for overall tone quality, which is difficult if the piano is not ...
by David B
21 Aug 2012, 19:16
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please
Replies: 10
Views: 17899

Re: Grotian-Steinweg Upright - opinions please

Ok, took the plunge and hit the motorway to see this piano. Never driven on an Italian motorway before, but I have to say it was a dream :D Anyway, said piano had been bought by Guiseppe's parents, for his sisters (3 of), and now he was moving house the piano was in a sister's garage, where it has b...
by David B
18 Aug 2012, 17:31
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please
Replies: 10
Views: 17899

Grotian-Steiweg Upright - opinions please

I have a flat in Italy, and rather than bring a piano out from the UK, I have been looking at what's for sale here locally (I'm in the mezzo-giorno). As a general point, you might be interested to hear that they regard what we in England would call clapped out firewood as beauitful antique pianos fr...
by David B
13 Feb 2012, 12:04
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Delivery problems
Replies: 4
Views: 7648

Re: Delivery problems

I'm afraid that unless your lease specifically made reference to your having a baby grand in the appartment, the landlord is entirely at liberty to refuse you. Again, unless you had specific provision in your lease to have the piano there (so that you can show that in not having it the terms of your...
by David B
07 Feb 2012, 16:59
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Just bought a piano off of ebay (uh oh!)
Replies: 34
Views: 42299

Re: Just bought a piano off of ebay (uh oh!)

I bouoght a little used 1980's Welmar off ebay last year for £600.

No complaints :lol:
by David B
13 Sep 2011, 09:50
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Playing from memory...To be or not to be?
Replies: 23
Views: 33600

Re: Playing from memory...To be or not to be?

I find that I can play from memory a piece that I know very well, but suddenly the flow will snap, and I have no idea what is supposed to happen next :) I did go on a short course at the City Lit in London, and if you want to learn to play by memory, it needs to be done in a bit more of a scientific...
by David B
30 Aug 2011, 10:34
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Grand pianos just for show
Replies: 8
Views: 12887

Re: Grand pianos just for show

NewAge wrote:just about as frustrating as being a eunuch in a harem. :cry:
Surely a eunich would have no sex drive, the whole point of putting them in charge of harems?
by David B
30 Aug 2011, 10:00
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Garden practise shed
Replies: 12
Views: 21648

Re: Garden practise shed

I think that the trouble here is the use of the word "shed". Yes, if you get a clap board thing from B&Q it will be a disaster, but there is no reason on earth why a small building in the garden can't be as dry and well insulated as the house. There are two ways to go; either use a spe...
by David B
16 Aug 2011, 09:21
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Career Advice
Replies: 15
Views: 20984

Re: Career Advice

This all makes for a rather depressing read :cry: Who's going to tune my piano in 20 years time?
by David B
02 Jun 2011, 11:49
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Advice on possible piano purchase
Replies: 8
Views: 11763

Re: Advice on possible piano purchase

sdurham wrote:I am planning to buy used and fix up and sell and buy some more until I get that perfect Steinway D...
Hahahaha now THAT'S funny :lol:
by David B
22 Jun 2010, 20:30
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: He's excelled himself this time !
Replies: 8
Views: 14838

He's excelled himself this time !

Our beloved friend has managed to go up market.......WAY upmarket :D Now styling himself "elonjohn1" we have this little offering (ite...
by David B
09 Oct 2009, 09:09
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Ebay...He's at it again!
Replies: 11
Views: 18791

Re: Ebay...He's at it again!

Ah, sorry, didn't (couldn't) get that far through it. You sir though, clearly did. Tempted? :lol:
by David B
08 Oct 2009, 11:56
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Ebay...He's at it again!
Replies: 11
Views: 18791

Re: Ebay...He's at it again!

I think I've found another alias the-marble-rhapsody, item 220489374938

Its gotta be him isn't it? There can't really be another that could write like that, even if they wanted to?

He seems to sell cars as well, so a nice line in old bangers then :lol:
by David B
12 Jun 2009, 09:17
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Danemann Grand Scrapage
Replies: 13
Views: 21738

Re: Danemann Grand Scrapage

Having had a Danemann concert grand rebuilt recently, I can assure you that when properly done, and with the finest new components (such as EKS bass strings), they are supurb pianos.

Built like tanks though :shock:
by David B
11 May 2009, 14:57
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Steinway model Z.. worth the trouble?
Replies: 132
Views: 148285

Re: Steinway model Z.. worth the trouble?

tempogen wrote: today is my birthday !
Happy Birthday, mate. :D Will this beastie be finished by your next birthday? :?:
by David B
01 May 2009, 09:27
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Anyone for a little DIY?
Replies: 34
Views: 43622

Re: Anyone for a little DIY?

Now, now Joseph, as to space, a concert grand really doesn't take up that much more room than an "ordinary" grand , and as to price, well the whole country is up to its eyes in hock, why should you be any different? :wink: Both pianos were rebuilt by Hurstwood Farm. I cannot recommend them...
by David B
27 Apr 2009, 11:52
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Anyone for a little DIY?
Replies: 34
Views: 43622

Re: Anyone for a little DIY?

joseph wrote::D can I have a go? Please!?
Certainly, feel free :wink:

by David B
25 Apr 2009, 23:04
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Anyone for a little DIY?
Replies: 34
Views: 43622

Re: Anyone for a little DIY?

And........first prize goes to .......Piano Guy.........

he was (again) right...... this Danemann is a cracker...the bass has REAL power and the treble sings out...

looks likely that I might keep this piano and sell the other........
by David B
22 Apr 2009, 10:12
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Anyone for a little DIY?
Replies: 34
Views: 43622

Re: Anyone for a little DIY?

Openwood wrote:how much is she selling for?
I'm open to offers :? Given that the cost of a new Yam C7 has virtually doubled in the last two years, this jobby will be a bargain :lol:
by David B
22 Apr 2009, 09:24
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Anyone for a little DIY?
Replies: 34
Views: 43622

Re: Anyone for a little DIY?

OK, update :D

The old girl has been rebuilt now, and though I haven't seen her yet, apparently she is a cracker :P

Finishing off, regulating and voicing still to be done. If anyone knows of anyone looking for a "new" concert grand, please pm me :wink:
by David B
21 Apr 2009, 09:05
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: What a complete and utter twallock
Replies: 49
Views: 64577

Re: What a complete and utter twallock

I don't think that you lot can criticise unless you have read all the "sales literature" :shock:

I am sure that it will change your life :wink:
by David B
11 Mar 2009, 09:55
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Steinway model Z.. worth the trouble?
Replies: 132
Views: 148285

Re: Steinway model Z.. worth the trouble?

Ye gods :shock: If the serial number (and the style) didn't confirm it as 1969, I would have gone with your friends estimate of 120 years old!

Good luck in your project. You're a braver man than I.......
by David B
04 Mar 2009, 09:47
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Baby Grand Missing Foot Pedals
Replies: 3
Views: 6947

Re: Baby Grand Missing Foot Pedals

They should take standard sizes think (being no expert).

Try they will sell to anyone - I've used them and its a good service.
by David B
27 Feb 2009, 09:45
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Bentley used upright piano 30 years old (1979) - advice
Replies: 22
Views: 31346

Re: Bentley used upright piano 30 years old (1979) - advice

Just how many grand pianos do you need, Mr Openwood?
by David B
23 Feb 2009, 10:12
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: What a complete and utter twallock
Replies: 49
Views: 64577

Re: What a complete and utter twallock

And curiously, he seems to think that a few pictures of Hitler will improve his sales :shock:
by David B
26 Jan 2009, 17:40
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Baffling
Replies: 34
Views: 36840

Re: Baffling

Something similarly wierd happened to my old joanna the other day.... I was sitting playing with the lid up, :piano; as you do, and the C sharp above middle C started buzzing. The buzzing sound sounded like it was coming from somewhere around the second octave below middle C. Couldn;t see anything u...
by David B
10 Dec 2008, 17:53
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Sostenuto pedal or Practice pedal?
Replies: 16
Views: 21592

Trust me, you will not need a sostenuto pedal 8)

Most pianos don't have them, so even if you did manage to master the wretched thing, it'll be to no avail when you have to play on another piano.
by David B
10 Dec 2008, 10:22
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Restoration Project
Replies: 8
Views: 14796

. PS, anyone know of a source of simulated ivory celluloid (at a sensible price) for replacing keytops? Why would you want this when there is plently original ivory key tops around? They come up on eBay occasionally, or you could try your local restorer, or there's alway google :roll: . Also, I am ...
by David B
16 Nov 2008, 22:04
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: What a complete and utter twallock
Replies: 49
Views: 64577

PianoGuy wrote:Just goes to show how the huge number of crooks there are in the piano trade somehow appear to prosper.
speaking from experience, sir? 8)
by David B
14 Nov 2008, 15:26
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Help me spend 25k on a grand for my school
Replies: 45
Views: 47713

are you doing the rebuild? . certainly not is a new soundboard required? yes. the barn did the old one no good at all :( its a lot of love to put into a piano isn't it! . lot of money, you mean. But then look at it this way, a heavily discounted Yammy C7 is going to set you back over 20 grand. A ne...
by David B
14 Nov 2008, 12:55
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Help me spend 25k on a grand for my school
Replies: 45
Views: 47713

The ambulance has delivered the old girl from her place of torment to the hospital. :D She is in a bad way. :cry: Multiple injuries, and total heart failure. We expect her to be in intensive care for several months, but a full revovery is expected in the spring :D Coudn't possible post pictures on a...
by David B
14 Nov 2008, 11:47
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Help me spend 25k on a grand for my school
Replies: 45
Views: 47713

What you need is fully rebuilt Danemann concert grand :D
by David B
02 Nov 2008, 20:46
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Anyone for a little DIY?
Replies: 34
Views: 43622

If I get it, it will be restored; and then for sale; may be!

Look, I'm a pianist.

8) :D :lol:
by David B
01 Nov 2008, 19:38
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Anyone for a little DIY?
Replies: 34
Views: 43622

joseph wrote:Restore it and then I will give a concert on it.
Do we get free tickets? Brothers in arms and all that..... :D
by David B
01 Nov 2008, 00:54
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Anyone for a little DIY?
Replies: 34
Views: 43622

OK, I have thrown caution to the wind, put my money where my mouth is, and.................

oh God what will I DO with it?
by David B
29 Oct 2008, 17:37
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Anyone for a little DIY?
Replies: 34
Views: 43622

Anyone for a little DIY?

by David B
27 Oct 2008, 09:50
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: Old Brinsmead Grand
Replies: 7
Views: 11782

the action and tuning plank for your piano would have to be bespoke made, because of the tuning plank etc, so it would cost lots more. Except of course, there isn't a "tuning plank". If its the Brinsmead patent tuning system, as we are told that it is, then there is no wrestplank, the str...
by David B
21 Oct 2008, 15:30
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: You're all redundant
Replies: 1
Views: 3321

You're all redundant

Now, here's the thing - a "self-tuning" piano! ... 286.c0.m14

What more do want? :roll:
by David B
05 Oct 2008, 17:24
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: I've had my piano tuned !
Replies: 23
Views: 28584

OK, OK. I'm not sure if the way that this discussion is progressing is validating my hunch or not (genuine open mind here :P ). Is my Bluthner (originally built in Leipzig in C 1920, rebuilt in Poland/Kent 2008) really a "Bluthner" at all? Or is it a new piano in an old case? By the way, t...