Search found 2 matches

by Kelpie
29 Oct 2016, 14:16
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Liszt's practice keyboard?
Replies: 4
Views: 10011

Re: Liszt's practice keyboard?

My apologies for a very late 'Thank you' for your help regarding Solveig's little practice keyboard. I think she's dropped the notion of selling (or at least hasn't mentioned it again) but did add a little information regarding it's history. Apparently a concert pianist bought it from the Liszt esta...
by Kelpie
15 Aug 2016, 20:32
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Liszt's practice keyboard?
Replies: 4
Views: 10011

Liszt's practice keyboard?

IMG_7597.JPG I've landed here in this forum thanks to a visit from a wonderful elderly lady I see once a week with friends for coffee and a chat. "I've got Liszt's piano in my car could you come and take a look?" If it had been anyone but Solveig then I would have had serious doubts as to...