Search found 2 matches

by Vale Pianos
09 Jun 2005, 22:15
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: If the price are the same, kawai or yamaha which is better?
Replies: 45
Views: 124034

Kawai v. Yamaha

You will note that everyone but Pianoguy has revealed their identity, maybe he has a hidden agenda?

Craig Lowe
by Vale Pianos
04 Jun 2005, 23:20
Forum: Piano Advice
Topic: If the price are the same, kawai or yamaha which is better?
Replies: 45
Views: 124034

Kawai Pianos

Nobody seems to have mentioned that the tone on Kawai pianos is far superior to Yamaha, I say that as a piano tuner of 22 years standing and having had the opportunity to compare at many trade shows. I have been asked by Yamaha on several occasions to stock their pianos but have refused because of t...