Search found 4 matches

by paulo.esteireiro
17 Apr 2011, 21:25
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Smith Gibson & Co. Square Piano
Replies: 32
Views: 31762

Re: Piano Maker of a Square Piano found in Madeira (Portugal

The piano has four legs in a pretty good shape.
by paulo.esteireiro
14 Apr 2011, 23:52
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Smith Gibson & Co. Square Piano
Replies: 32
Views: 31762

Re: Piano Maker of a Square Piano found in Madeira (Portugal

Here you have one more photo. I don't have more at this moment.
Thank you for your advices.
As you can see, the piano has quite a range (6 octaves - from F to F).
by paulo.esteireiro
12 Apr 2011, 21:07
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Smith Gibson & Co. Square Piano
Replies: 32
Views: 31762

Re: Piano Maker of a Square Piano found in Madeira (Portugal

Thank you for your answers.
Unfortunately, it is in a "very bad shape". The woodworm is widespread and it will not have a long life.
by paulo.esteireiro
10 Apr 2011, 18:35
Forum: Piano History
Topic: Smith Gibson & Co. Square Piano
Replies: 32
Views: 31762

Smith Gibson & Co. Square Piano

Do anybody know a piano maker "Smith Gib--n & [son]". I found it in a Square Piano at Madeira Island.

I uploaded a image so you can see it.

Best regards