Search found 238 matches

by gizzy
09 Nov 2017, 13:57
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Misheard lyrics from songs.
Replies: 161
Views: 277056

Re: Misheard lyrics from songs.

From the same carol: "God and singers reconciled"
by gizzy
03 Mar 2017, 22:49
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

We got a free valuation on our house today (but actually, aren't they always free?) as two different people had told us we really ought to do so, having had some work done on it - like the lean-to converted into a sort of utility room/conservatory place; a bit rough and ready, since it has no light,...
by gizzy
03 Mar 2017, 22:37
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

In the definite unlikely reality of my fairy godpianoteacher walking through the door, I have just succeeded again to get onto the ABRSM forum and read the comments. Someone please inform the ABRSM politburo that expianist is able to read the forum without any difficulty whatsoever and as they know...
by gizzy
26 Feb 2017, 23:11
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: What tune have we had on our minds today??
Replies: 413
Views: 677669

Re: What tune have we had on our minds today??

For some unfathomable reason, Bangers and Mash by Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren.
by gizzy
26 Feb 2017, 23:06
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

That whole expianist thread suddenly disappeared - did the moderators rumble you? Or did you ask to take it down? Everyone was saying they were sorry you'd disappeared!
by gizzy
26 Feb 2017, 15:53
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

That's the one. The web planet where you are immediately excommunicated for dissidence. Stalin and Khruschev had absolutely nothing on the ABRSM moderation team (maybe Mr. Donald Trump has some sort of 'Power Game-esque influence on them too as they don't like criticism of him on there). Thank good...
by gizzy
26 Feb 2017, 15:29
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

Peekaboo! :D Sorry about your relinquishing Fiona, Dave. It'll be interesting to see if you get itchy fingers next time you pass a piano. Did you take it up for the sake of learning a skill, or for the sake of making music? I do seem to think it was the latter, so you might still find an outlet whic...
by gizzy
25 Sep 2016, 17:58
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: What are we doing right now? (aside from being on the forum)
Replies: 59
Views: 89639

Re: What are we doing right now? (aside from being on the fo

Listening to my first Mass, and it's Bernsteins' famous celebration. An ideal first complete Mass, one would think. Miserere nobis, Dominum. Except it's not EXACTLY "a mass" - it's almost a bit of musical theatre called "Mass" (like "Hair or"Taxi") What is brillia...
by gizzy
25 Sep 2016, 17:54
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: What are we doing right now? (aside from being on the forum)
Replies: 59
Views: 89639

Re: What are we doing right now? (aside from being on the fo

Eighteen months ago, I was listening to Bernstein's 'Mass, now it's 'Songs From The Wood' by Jethro Tull. The one with Ian Anderson squatting in front of the camp fire. Bernstein's Mass is amazing. It's the other piece I always wanted to conduct, apart from Noye's Fludde. I'll never do it now - bac...
by gizzy
06 May 2016, 12:05
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Major and Minor Piano Chords
Replies: 4
Views: 21123

Re: Major and Minor Piano Chords

What are the most common Major/minors that work together well, for instance, a song I listen to goes like this Em, C, A, Am, Em. all in all 16 beats long. are there any other common ones like this. And what is the best approach at getting them to work together well? Edit I read this back and think ...
by gizzy
06 May 2016, 11:42
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Am I playing the F scale right?
Replies: 4
Views: 20899

Re: Am I playing the F scale right?

I think it's possible that the OP has just been taught the standard fingering for all white-note scales, and has not yet been taught that F in RH is different - if they have just learnt what the notes are, they may be thinking ahead (just trying to give the teacher the benefit of the doubt) To the O...
by gizzy
24 Dec 2015, 23:35
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Happy Christmas, everyone...
Replies: 5
Views: 22573

Re: Happy Christmas, everyone...

Hi Gill and anyone who may be reading it including notable Absent Friends It will be a fairly quiet Christmas here. I finished teaching at the end of last week apart from three stragglers who came in at the beginning of this week. As you may remember, we are a mixed marriage - one meat-eater and one...
by gizzy
24 Nov 2015, 12:51
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Music Quizzes
Replies: 3
Views: 18952

Re: Music Quizzes

Gill the Piano wrote:Me too - I did the Queen quiz and only got 65% ... :roll:
Don't feel too bad, I only got 60% on the Beatles one. It wasn't called the "hard" Beatles for nothing!
by gizzy
10 Apr 2015, 14:23
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

Not these days, you wouldn't. Admittedly I am probably acknowledged as the joint first-place smuttiest together with a certain Yo :D rkshireman from the Wirral (and I've met him, and swapped stories which would have got us both warned) but much of it I feel has lightened up.
by gizzy
10 Apr 2015, 13:19
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

Had a strange experience the other day I've never had before in my life and I may never actually have again. Went to the toilets in the Avoncroft Museum and I was sitting there when suddenly the lights went out and I was plunged into darkness. Fortunately I'm a former Boy Scout. :D pure in thought ...
by gizzy
10 Apr 2015, 13:13
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcome
Replies: 30
Views: 72628

Re: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcom

And up to the point where you get it right every time and now need to work on making it sound nucer, are your mistakes random or repeated?

It's quality of practice that does it, not quantity.
by gizzy
10 Apr 2015, 10:41
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcome
Replies: 30
Views: 72628

Re: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcom

So presumably she's had several chats with you about HOW to practise, not just what or how long? That playing through again and again doesn't work until the notes are every-time-secure? That correcting mistakes once you've made them doesn't work? How to distinguish between random and repeated mistak...
by gizzy
10 Apr 2015, 09:20
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: General Election 2015
Replies: 39
Views: 58737

Re: General Election 2015

Did you see the Guardian front page picture yesterday (head-on-desk)? Had me laughing incoherently for ages! "make it stop!"
by gizzy
09 Apr 2015, 12:17
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Grade 3 practical
Replies: 16
Views: 31678

Re: Grade 3 practical

Passed with distinction! 133 points :D :piano; Well done, that Cutlet! Which pieces did she play? (I was about to ask what board the exam was for, but then realised you can't get 133% in Trinity or London. gizzyx Thanks, Gizzy! She played Allegro, Moody Prawn Blues and Stormy Coast. x Ah, same list...
by gizzy
09 Apr 2015, 10:17
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Grade 3 practical
Replies: 16
Views: 31678

Re: Grade 3 practical

Nutroast wrote:Passed with distinction! 133 points :D :piano;
Well done, that Cutlet! Which pieces did she play? (I was about to ask what board the exam was for, but then realised you can't get 133% in Trinity or London.

by gizzy
08 Apr 2015, 21:09
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcome
Replies: 30
Views: 72628

Re: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcom

OK, try another take on the same idea: find a couple of songs with very simple accompaniment and sing at the puano. It's not easy singing sitting down, so it's a challenge to the voice. In my VERY dim distant recital days (40 years ago!) I worked singing at the piano and playing the accompaniment so...
by gizzy
08 Apr 2015, 20:25
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcome
Replies: 30
Views: 72628

Re: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcom

Hmm, I know of at least one person who has said "how can you teach singing, I mean either you can sing or you can't" and SWMBO may of course take the same line. You might love it in a chour, too, though not everyone who sings is chorally minded. Would you be "permitted" to get in...
by gizzy
08 Apr 2015, 19:50
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcome
Replies: 30
Views: 72628

Re: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcom

I wonder if you'd enjoy singing lessons. Seriously. I mean the time I heard you, you had a pretty good set of baritone pipes, you could pitch in tune, you were rather loud but let's face it, a lot of snigging teachers have to work to get more volume from their pupils. It's a much more personal invol...
by gizzy
08 Apr 2015, 19:32
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcome
Replies: 30
Views: 72628

Re: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcom

Ah, but I didn't ask if you enjoy kearning. I asked if you enjoy the music you're playing. I mean, if you had a set of simple Welsh Folk Songs on your piano, and you were getting through them with just a few mistakes each time, would you still appreciate the songs themsrkves, or would your inability...
by gizzy
08 Apr 2015, 13:57
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcome
Replies: 30
Views: 72628

Re: Should I give up learning the piano POLL comments welcom

Hey, who voted yes, then? Apart from you, you cheating monkey? If by learning you mean taking lessons, the outcone could be different, but you would keep on learning as long as you kept on pkaying. One question to ask yourself us, "do I get any enjoyment out of the music I play, once I am getti...
by gizzy
08 Apr 2015, 13:46
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Sight reading
Replies: 16
Views: 33864

Re: Sight reading

:shock: Blimey, what did you do? Two things. 1) Get up their noses 2) Dare to be different (why they are all such a conservative and blinkered lot on there, generally). Gizzy will know what I mean, she also posts on there. I think it was because you mailed and told them whereup they could stick the...
by gizzy
08 Apr 2015, 09:10
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: General Election 2015
Replies: 39
Views: 58737

Re: General Election 2015

I went for a balti last night at David Camerons' favourite curry house, the Paprika in Longbridge (oddly enough it's in one of his party's 40 target seats) and there was a picture of David and Sam sat at a table in the restaurant tucking in. He had a bowl of what looked like pickles at his table, m...
by gizzy
22 Mar 2015, 22:40
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Anecdote corner
Replies: 31
Views: 72020

Re: Anecdote corner

When I was working up in Shrewsbury one day in the early 90s, one man came in and asked me if I knew the way to 'B@llock and Bosom'. I said I'd never heard of the place, turns out he meant Bullock and Bosson, the office equipment wholesalers. At that time I'd not heard of Bullock and Bosson either ...
by gizzy
22 Mar 2015, 22:22
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Dave's piano lesson blog
Replies: 165
Views: 202145

Re: Dave's piano lesson blog

P1050297.JPG P1050298.JPG My new favourite book....if this fails then it's 'Joining The Dots' by Alan Bullard (official ABRSM course). If that one fails then I would have exhausted all of the methods of their type available on the United Kingdom market. The preface looks good, I don't disagree with...
by gizzy
10 Mar 2015, 22:47
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Grade 3 Theory
Replies: 11
Views: 22335

Re: Grade 3 Theory

Hi Dave.... looks good, except for the rest missing in bar 1 (ex e ) .... sorry, the gold star may be stripped... silver now!! (just amended the ex number) you only have 9 quaver beats in this bar.... in 12/8 time, you need a dotted crotchet rest after the quaver rests (to make it up to 2 X dotted ...
by gizzy
10 Mar 2015, 22:35
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: What tune have we had on our minds today??
Replies: 413
Views: 677669

Re: What tune have we had on our minds today??

Burlington Bertie from Bow. Ever since I watched the video of Julie Andrews doing it (excerpt from the film "Star!")

I particularly like the bit where she does the little demi-plié on the word "Smith" :P
by gizzy
08 Mar 2015, 00:04
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: What's Made You Happy Today???
Replies: 796
Views: 1139323

Re: What's Made You Happy Today???

So can you shout 'FINGERING,CHILD!!!' in 5 languages? I think you can get had up for that. Gary Glitter certainly was. I only say goodbye in foreign as a rule. Just trying to work out my proportion of English to other Monday, Polish English English Chinese Indian Romanian Indian Tuesday, Australian...
by gizzy
07 Mar 2015, 23:31
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: Grade 3 Theory
Replies: 11
Views: 22335

Re: Grade 3 Theory

Absolutely correct. Clever David. Gold star!!!

by gizzy
06 Mar 2015, 22:32
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: What's Made You Happy Today???
Replies: 796
Views: 1139323

Re: What's Made You Happy Today???

I'm definitely not playing the organ, which will be played by none other than the organist of L'pool Cathedral!!! (owes a few favours to Father of the Bride, who is a tenor in the aforementioned choir) BUT daughter did commission me to write the wedding march, which is nearly done. She said she want...
by gizzy
06 Mar 2015, 20:50
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: What's Made You Happy Today???
Replies: 796
Views: 1139323

Re: What's Made You Happy Today???

Er... hello?

Gizzy in Cambridge

Going to be a mother-in-law in May. Practising the face.
by gizzy
19 Nov 2014, 15:25
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: What tune have we had on our minds today??
Replies: 413
Views: 677669

Re: What tune have we had on our minds today??

The Mikado also, probably had Arthur's name on it as that overture's not that disanalogious from TYOTG Apparently not, according to Iolanthe is just like Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream music. I was surprised to find Sullivan had written an overture for U...
by gizzy
18 Nov 2014, 21:40
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

...trying to remember how many demisemiquavers in a quaver, dotted quaver, crotchet, and commit it to my long term memory..... Isn't it better to remember how to work it out than to remember how many - I mean dsq is two to a sq so 4 to a q, so 3x4 to a dotted crotchet, rather than trying to learn a...
by gizzy
18 Nov 2014, 21:33
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Misheard lyrics from songs.
Replies: 161
Views: 277056

Re: Misheard lyrics from songs.

I like the Sussex Carol. It's all about a doll factory. I think it's the second or third verse:
"When Sindy parts before thy face"
by gizzy
18 Nov 2014, 21:29
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: What tune have we had on our minds today??
Replies: 413
Views: 677669

Re: What tune have we had on our minds today??

Gill the Piano wrote:You're such an anorak, chicken! :lol: I hate G&S. Well, to be specific I hate G. It's very fussy and gets on my nerves...
But Gilbert didn't write the overtures, though, did he? But then, neither did Sullivan, with the exception of one or two, like the Yeomen of the Guard.
by gizzy
09 Nov 2014, 23:37
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: What tune have we had on our minds today??
Replies: 413
Views: 677669

Re: What tune have we had on our minds today??

dave brum wrote:I shall be playing Give Peace A Chance at Keep Fit, which is on Tuesday, Remembrance Day.
You have to play it from memory that day, Dave. It's The Law. :D
by gizzy
06 Nov 2014, 11:29
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

dave brum wrote: The Boars Head carol
And spoonerised, that would be...? :D

(naughty naughty)
by gizzy
06 Nov 2014, 11:20
Forum: Learning & Teaching Piano
Topic: What is this song
Replies: 4
Views: 14292

Re: What is this song

Long B at the beginning, up to the first D, and then more or less down from there on? Not the opening phrase, but I'm willing to bet money you're singing Ravel's Pavane Pour Une Enfante Defunte.

Am I right or am I right?

Gizzy in Cambridge
by gizzy
19 Oct 2014, 21:33
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

Welcome back, Dave! Sorry I've been a bit silent, folks, very tired with trying to cope with my guts. I think I've worked out what it is but will go to see the doctor this week some time to see if he thinks the same thing (because the endoscopy thing was completely clear but nothing has changed). Al...
by gizzy
03 Oct 2014, 13:34
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

I assume that without information to the contrary Gizzy, you have survived your 'procedure'. Hope you are taking time to recover. It was a piece of cake - stayed awake in spite of the sedative and chatted and watched my guts on the monitor but they didn't find anything. which is good news and bad n...
by gizzy
29 Sep 2014, 15:12
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

And reading all the things I am still allowed to eat over the next three days, I see it includes "mouse" :D Just mailed my (baby) brother who is 22 months younger than me to see if there's any family history of what I've got. He has never had it, but it appears he has everything else: COPD...
by gizzy
28 Sep 2014, 23:36
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

Definitely won't have to miss R's party now: CT scan on Wednesday morning (got to drink 4 lots of iodine-based jollop before then so as to make my guts light up or something) and as from tomorrow I go on to the sort of diet which prohibits all the things that are meant to be good for you and restric...
by gizzy
25 Sep 2014, 19:03
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

Well, I definitely won't teach the last two I've just had till two weeks' time; it was their first lesson, and they're Chinese age 4 and 6 and don't say much, though they made reasonable progress for a very first lesson. Hard work though. Mother didn't stay, as I would have preferred, because she ha...
by gizzy
25 Sep 2014, 16:36
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

They've just rung and told me to come on the Friday, so apart from only being able to eat white bread and non-fruity cake and sweeties, the part should be OK.

Thursday pupils is another matter, though. Will have cancelled all except those who can understand what's going on.
by gizzy
24 Sep 2014, 22:19
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

Just a consultation and a quick look at the first few inches. I have to have a CT scan and the candid camera thingy over the next couple of weeks or so, and I've asked for morning appointments for both of them. It's dawned on me that they may tell me to come for the 'scopy for Thursday morning which...
by gizzy
23 Sep 2014, 21:31
Forum: Idle Chitchat
Topic: Random thoughts or comments...
Replies: 1635
Views: 1993240

Re: Random thoughts or comments...

Oh yes, I'll be out of hospital about half an hour after I go in: this one's just a consultation, luckily.